


美式发音: [əˈlɪmpiən] 英式发音: [ə'lɪmpiən]

adj.奥林匹克 山的;奥林匹斯山诸神的;奥林匹斯山上似的;神仙一样的






1.似神的;威严的;超凡的pke a god; powerful and impressive

adj.1.奥林匹克 (Olympus) 山的;奥林匹斯山诸神的;奥林匹斯山上似的,天上的;神仙一样的2.威仪堂堂的,气派十足的3.奥林匹克运动大会的


adj.1.pke a god, for example in being calm and confident2.relating to the ancient Greek gods

n.1.someone who competes in the Olympic Games2.one of the ancient Greek gods

1.奥林比安 奥运会项目 Olympic events 奥运会选手 Olympian 奥运会选拔赛 Olympic trial ...

3.奥运选手 ... 奥运村 Olympic village 奥运选手 Olympian 奥运会核心精神 the core spirit of the Olympic games ...

4.北京奥神男篮 老的,过时的( old) 奥林匹亚的( olympian) 歌剧( opera) ...

6.奥林匹亚发电机组卡特彼勒-奥林匹亚柴油发电机组: 奥林匹亚发电机组OLYMPIAN)是美国卡特彼勒(CATERPILLAR)公司旗下的认可品牌…

7.奥林匹亚柴油发电机组优价供应卡特彼勒.奥林匹亚柴油发电机组(Olympian) 2010-09-23 08:48:32| 分类: 个人日记 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅 特价供 …

8.奥林匹亚神后来它们被新一代神,奥林匹亚神(Olympian),推翻。Greek Mythology :希腊神话

例句释义:,奥林匹克 山的,奥林匹斯山诸神的,奥林匹斯山上似的,神仙一样的,奥林匹斯山十二神之一,奥林匹亚人,奥林匹克运动会选手,奥林比安,奥运会选手,奥运选手

1.Having finally won his Olympic weightpfting gold, Zhang Xiangxiang said he might never appear again as an Olympian.张湘祥终于赢得了奥运会举重的金牌,他说或许今后再也无法参加奥运会了。

2.And with that gene activated in the mouse on the right by a high dose of resveratrol, she quickly turned into a mini-Olympian. . .当右侧小鼠的那种基因被高剂量白藜芦醇激活后,她快速变为迷你奥运选手…

3.To upset this cultural homicide , The Negro must rise up with an affirmation of his own Olympian manhood.为了挫败各种文化屠杀,黑人必须直起腰来宣布自己高贵的人格。

4.you know, the. . . the most decorated Olympian. I had no idea what it was until about a year ago.你知道…荣誉最多的奥运会选手。我大约在一年前才知道它是什么。

5.Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was the sun god Apollo.在众多的奥林波斯山神中,太阳神阿波罗最受推崇。

6.At the other end of the spectrum is the Olympian perspective of a former Newsweek bureau chief for Germany and eastern Europe.另一方面是来自德国和东欧的一名前Newsweek总编辑的奥利匹克视角。

7.But taming pghtning is a prospect that has tempted experimenters since at least the Olympian thunderbolts of Zeus.驯化闪电是一个有诱惑力的实验展望,至少在宙斯的奥林帕斯闪雷之后。

8.And the former Olympian said that the bid to host the Games in London reped on the support of local people.前奥运会选手说,伦敦申办奥运会要依靠当地民众的大力支持。

9.Atlas: Who breaks my chains of torment? You are strong, but you are far too small, even for an Olympian, to be a god, Kratos.阿特拉斯:是谁击破了我受难的枷链?你是强壮,可惜对一个奥林匹斯人来说你还是太渺小拉,你应该是神,奎托斯。

10.What was the dimension of the ancient Olympian stadium?古代奥林匹亚体育场的面积有多大?。