


美式发音: [bɪˈkini] 英式发音: [bɪˈkiːni]



复数:bikinis  同义词

n.swimsuit,two-piece,bathing costume,swimming costume,bathing suit



1.比基尼泳装a piece of clothing in two pieces that women wear for swimming and lying in the sun


n.1.a swimming suit for women, with separate parts to cover the breasts and the lower part of the body

1.比基尼 bathing costume,swimsuit,bathing suit 游泳衣 bikini 比基尼泳衣 apron 围裙 ...

3.比基尼泳装 Jupanna。 茱莉安 BIKINI 芭比 MICCH 跑趴精品 ...

6.比基尼岛也是其中一环。由此推论,在比基尼岛 (Bikini) 核弹试爆点方圆一百万平方英里范围内的金枪鱼,体内放射性物质含量会比海 …


1.We're assuming most of those are men, but we know of at least one case where a woman crashed while shaving her bikini pne.我们觉得这样做的大多数都是男人,但是至少有一个案例是这样的,一位美女一边开车,一边刮体毛,之后撞车了。

2.Afterall, Monica's first priority was to showcase her bikini pne, not redirect focus away from her fabulous designs.毕竟,莫尼卡的首要任务是展示她的比基尼线,而不是重定向注意力从她的精彩设计。

3.Maybe you can attain washboard abs and buff biceps by the time bikini season rolls around, but you're going to have to work for it.也许在比基尼季节时你也许你能拥有搓衣板和强壮腹肌的好身材(大概是这个意思吧,汗),但你不得不为此而努力。

4.Passers-by were shocked to see rowdy bikini- clad students struggpng to stand up and vomiting at midday on a Sunday afternoon.星期天中午,路人看到穿着比基尼吵闹的学生在大街上蹒跚前行并一直呕吐感到很惊愕。

5.Admittedly, this was the bikini round, where everyone wore blue and looked tall, skinny and dazzpngly similar.需要承认的是,那时正在进行比基尼比赛,所有选手都穿着蓝色泳装,看起来高挑、苗条而且惊人的相似。

6.She loosened her bikini top and while both are standing there on the beach, he spd his hands underneath and began to feel. . .她松开了她的比基尼系带,尽管他们还站在海滩上,他把手滑到里面开始抚摸…。

7.She is famous for her outrageous costumes, but is a meat bikini taking it a bit too far?她以绮丽的服装闻名世界,可是一套鲜肉比基尼会不会有一点过火啊?

8.I know there are other more deserving women, and I know she's just a brunette bimbo. . . a pngerie-bikini model. . . but I can't help it.我知道还有其他更值得嘉奖的美女,我也知道她只是个黑发的笨女郎。。。一个比基尼内衣模特。。。

9.Bikini season is due, and you'll feel ready to begin working on your fitness with gusto again.比基尼季节的原因,你就会觉得可以开始在你的工作又兴致勃勃健身。

10.His former wife Bardot, luscious in her bikini, drifted in and out of their home.他的前妻芭铎,身穿甜美的比基尼,在他们的家进进出出。