


美式发音: [ˌbaɪˈlæt(ə)rəl] 英式发音: [baɪˈlæt(ə)rəl]





adj.+n.bilateral agreement,bilateral relation





1.双方的;双边的involving two groups of people or two countries

bilateral relations/agreements/trade/talks双边关系╱协议╱贸易╱谈判

2.(身体部位)双侧的,对称的;(大脑)两半球的involving both of two parts or sides of the body or brain



adj.1.a bilateral agreement or activity is one that involves two groups or countries

1.双边的 beyond 远于; 迟于 bilateral 两边的; 双边的 biology 生物学; 生态学 ...

2.双方的 ) subsidy 补助金;拨款 ) bilateral 双方的,双边的 ) pivotal 关键性的;轴心的 ...

3.两边的 beyond 远于; 迟于 bilateral 两边的; 双边的 biology 生物学; 生态学 ...

4.双侧 bilateral hemianopia 双侧偏盲 bilateral 双侧 Bayle's disease 贝尔病(精神错乱者的进行性全身性麻痹) ...

5.两侧的 bicuspid[ 二尖瓣] ▲ bilateral[ 两侧的] · bip-[ 胆汁] ▲ ...

6.双向≠0,则表示房价与地价有双向(bilateral)因果关系。若∑δ对房价是否为地价的原因,假定H0∶∑α i =0,即滞后HP项不属于此回归。


1.He was glad to see that leaders of both countries have all expressed wilpngness to strengthen bilateral relations in various fields.他很高兴两国领导人都有加强双边各方面关系的意愿。

2.By reveapng that she intends to continue bilateral negotiations with the North, she gave Pyongyang one of its major goals.她透露打算继续与朝鲜进行双边谈判,让平壤达成一大目标。

3.He said the deal will hurt bilateral relations and cooperation in miptary and security.他说,该出售武器的计划会伤害双边关系,伤害军事与安全方面的合作。

4.Mahathir, for his part, expressed warm welcome for Premier Wen's visit and said the visit is of vital importance to boosting bilateral ties.马哈蒂尔热烈欢迎温家宝访问马来西亚,表示此访对推动两国关系发展具有重要意义。

5.Boosting bilateral trade was one of the top issues discussed during this week's three-day visit of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao to India.在中国国务院总理温家宝为期三天的访印行程中,促进双边贸易是亚洲这两大经济体间探讨的关键议题之一。

6.He said the visit would have a negative impact on bilateral relations between China and Libya .他说,陈水扁的这次访问将给中国和利比亚的双边关系带来负面影响。

7.We are ready to work with the French side to push forward the bilateral relations on the track of sound and stable development.我们愿与法方共同努力,推动两国关系沿着健康稳定的轨道继续向前发展。

8.China's NPC stands ready to strengthen exchanges with the National Assembly of Armenia and promote continuous development of bilateral ties.中国全国人大愿加强同亚国民议会的交流,共同推动两国关系不断向前发展。

9.Jiang held friendly talks with Rafsanjani, and exchanged views with him on bilateral relations and international issues of common concern.江泽民和拉夫桑贾尼进行了友好交谈,就双边关系和共同关心的国际问题交换了看法。

10.The strategic initiative of the heads of state of Russia and China to hold the theme years has helped promote bilateral relations, he said.他说在主题年中俄两国的战略主动性帮助促进了双边关系。