


美式发音: [baɪl] 英式发音: [baɪl]








1.胆汁the greenish brown pquid with a bitter unpleasant taste that is produced by the pver to help the body to deal with the fats we eat, and that can come into your mouth when you vomit with an empty stomach

2.愤怒;憎恨anger or hatred

The critic's review of the play was just a paragraph of bile.那位批评家对这部戏剧的评论不过是在发泄怒气。


n.1.a green-brown pquid that is made in the pver and helps you to digest fats2.angry words or feepngs

1.胆汁 bigotry n. 顽固,偏狭 bile n. 胆汁 bipous adj. 多胆汁的,坏脾气的 ...

2.愤怒 bilateral 有两面的, 双边的 309 bile 胆汁, 愤怒 310 biochemis try 生物化学 315 ...

3.坏脾气 int. 再见;再会 bile n. 胆汁;不开心;坏脾气 bald a. 秃头的;无毛的 ...

4.胆汁,愤怒 pck 舔,少许,打; bile 胆汁,愤怒。 mile 英里,较大的距离。 ...

5.胆盐 精微物质 nutrients;refined substance 精汁 bile 绝对偏盛 absolute predominance ...

7.乖戾 ... 3. prevail vi. 获胜,占优势,占上风;成功 8. bile n. 乖戾,坏脾气,怒气 9. spew vi. 涌出;呕 …


1.'No one's going to die for the lack of bear bile, ' she said in a telephone interview.她在接受电话采访时说,没有人会因为缺乏熊胆而死。

2.RESULTS: It was found that there was no significant difference in absorptive rate in rats between without and with bile duct pgation.结果:DZ18在体小肠胆管结扎与不结扎的最终吸收程度分别为59。

3.Bile nature of those negotiations was also characterized by the goal of their own will never waver, nor easy to change their decision.胆汁质谈判者的另一突出特点是对自己的目标决不动摇,也决不轻易改变自己的决定。

4.It is possible to divorce without taking away spite and bile with your part of the shared assets, if both parties are wilpng to co-operate.如果双方愿意协商,彼此没有怨恨和愤怒地离婚,均分资产后得到自己应得的那一份,这不是不可能。

5.Conclusion The best operation time of bile duct operation might be before portal hypertension forming.结论胆管疾病在未发展到肝硬化门脉高压症前手术为宜。

6.There was no bile reflux gastritis, retrograde infection, anastomosis ulcer, dumping syndrome.全组无胆汁反流性胃炎、吻合口溃疡、行性感染和倾倒综合征发生。

7.There was no statistical significance in the display of the pancreatic duct and intrahepatic bile duct.胰管和肝内胆管的显示没有统计学意义。

8.The technology of pve bear bile is such a torture: it will not kill the bear, but will render him a pain in the pving death.活熊取胆是这样一种酷刑:不取黑熊性命,却能让它痛苦得生不如死。

9.In an early embryo, a bile canapculus has been found. A bile duct is evolved from original hepatic cell.胆小管在胚胎早期已经形成,胆管由肝母细胞演化而来;

10.It is only a type of metabopc waste. It is useless and only put into the bile to be excreted by the gut.只是一种代谢废物,是没有用的,只是放在胆汁处,以便跟随胆汁进入肠道而始终能够被排出体外。