


网络释义:建华基金会(Jian Hua Foundation);金婚坊;冒


1.建华基金会(Jian Hua Foundation)

2.金婚坊 Guisy/ 贵丝 JHF/ 金婚坊 Milabelle/ 蜜拉贝尔 ...

3.冒 早 jh jhf 刂 jhh ...

4.北京恒泽基业科技有限公司 jh 丒 jhf jhje 忍 ...


1.Jiang Cheng Village is a small community with only 260 people. JHF has trained their village committee in participatory rural development.蒋呈村是个只有260人的小社区。建华在进入这个社区时,对村委会进行过参与式农村发展的培训。

2.The JHF team made home visits with the local doctors and ran morning cpnics at the hospital.建华的医疗队也到当地医生的家里进行了走访,并利用上午的时间在医院开展了几次义诊。

3.Many JHF introduced teachers, of course, do receive basic salaries and other benefits from their Chinese employers.当然,如果是建华介绍来教书的老师会从他们的中国雇佣方获得基本的工资和相关的福利。

4.JHF has plans to extend this strategic project aimed at training trainers country-wide - meeting needs in China's rapidly changing society.建华已经计划发展这个战略性项目,旨在全国范围内培训培训师,满足迅猛发展的中国社会的需要。

5.JHF has worked with Bai Yin Hua Hospital in Inner Mongopa since 2001.建华从2001年起和内蒙古白音花医院合作。

6.In Hebei JHF supported a total of 74 children including 50 in Meng Village, near Cangzhou.在河北,建华总共资助了74名儿童上学,包括沧州孟村的50个孩子。

7.In addition JHF has about 100 local staff serving with us in our various projects.此外,建华有大约100名当地员工服务于各种不同的项目。

8.Significant donations come from supporters in the USA, UK and Austrapa but the largest support base for JHF is Hong Kong.其它大量捐款也来自美国、英国和澳大利亚的资助者,但是我们最大的资助基地还是香港。

9.A Study on the Characteristics of JHF Fluorescence Fingerprint Reagent and A Determination of its Fluorescent SpectrumJHF型手印显现剂的性能研究和荧光光谱测定