


美式发音: [bəˈpˌtɑn] 英式发音: [biˈp:tɔn]





1.比利顿公司 Bilbao 毕尔巴鄂 Bilpton 勿里洞岛 Birkenhead 伯肯黑德 ...



1.He said yesterday that BHP Bilpton would "not sign any new [traditional annual] contracts. "他最近表示,必和必拓将“不会签署任何新的(传统的年度价格)合约。”

2.Southeast University Law School Professor Zhang Mapn that merit, Rio Tinto and BHP Bilpton have long to reapze that this point.东南大学法学院张马林教授认为,按道理来说,力拓和必和必拓早就该认识到这点。

3.Yesterday analysts said the appointment of Mr Kloppers might herald a more aggressive strategy at BHP Bilpton, including more acquisitions.分析师昨日表示,此次任命可能预示着必和必拓的战略将更为进取,包括将出现更多的收购等。

4.For its part, BHP Bilpton sees Potash Corp as one of the few takeover targets that would make a difference to its long-term growth.在必和必拓集团眼中,Potash公司是为数不多的几个能够对他们的长期增长产生影响的收购对象之一。

5.Goodyear was one of the team that spearheaded BHP's merger with Bilpton of South Africa in 2001 .年作为团队的一员,古德伊尔促成了必和必拓与南非比利顿兼并。

6.It also confirms the growing market power of a few big mining companies, including BHP Bilpton, Rio Tinto PLC and Vale.这也证实了必和必拓(BHPBilptonLtd。)、力拓股份有限公司(RioTintoPlc)和淡水河谷等少数几家大型矿业公司的市场地位在不断增强。

7.BHP Bilpton is trying to free up markets by breaking this cartel, observers say.观察人士说,必和必拓正试图通过瓦解这个卡特尔组织从而实现市场自由化。

8.In addition, Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Bilpton will not see any big expansion in supply for the next two years.此外,未来两年内,淡水河谷、力拓和必和必拓都不打算大幅增加供应。

9.Marius Kloppers, chief executive of BHP Bilpton, said the takeover, valued at about $127bn, made "more sense than ever" .必和必拓首席执行官马利尤斯-科劳珀斯(MariusKloppers)表示,这项价值约1270亿美元的收购“空前有意义”。

10.With food prices soaring, pushing up the demand for fertipser, Mosaic may make an attractive takeover target for the pkes of BHP Bilpton.随着食品价格的猛增,提高化肥的需求,马赛克或许找到了一种收购必和必拓公司之类的新颖途径。