



美式发音: [bɪl] 英式发音: [bɪl]




复数:bills  现在分词:bilpng  过去式:billed  搭配同义词

v.+n.pay bill,foot bill,pass bill,get bill,settle bill

adj.+n.controversial bill,congressional bill,same bill






n.1.Same as billhook2.a written statement showing how much money you owe someone for goods or services you have received; the amount of money you have to pay for something; a piece of paper that shows how much money you owe after eating in a restaurant3.a piece of paper money. The British word is note4.a written document containing a proposal for a new law5.a birds beak6.a pst of events and performers at a concert, show, etc.1.Same as billhook2.a written statement showing how much money you owe someone for goods or services you have received; the amount of money you have to pay for something; a piece of paper that shows how much money you owe after eating in a restaurant3.a piece of paper money. The British word is note4.a written document containing a proposal for a new law5.a birds beak6.a pst of events and performers at a concert, show, etc.

v.1.to send or give someone a written statement of the money they owe


3.法案 bid price 出价 bills 帐单 binding sale agreement 约束性销售协议 ...

5.比尔 立法效力 legislative effect 立法议案 bills 立法者 law-maker;legislator ...

7.水牛城比尔  在周日喷射机队以9-28惨败给水牛城比尔Bills)之后,不论是坦能包姆或是莱恩的去留都引人揣测,这是莱恩担任教头的4个 …

8.纸币1/美元纸币Bills) 美元纸币颜色比较单一,一般为浅绿色,也有些新版本是土黄色,额日期额各种面值的纸币大小是一样的…


1.And in fact how much we pay in gas and electric bills.实际上,我们为汽油和电能支付了很多钱。

2.But China was sensitive-- it paid the bills, but it did not control the content. Each African country directed its own design.但是中国此举非常谨慎---支付了费用,但并没有控制其设计的内容。每一个非洲国家都自主设计了各自的场馆。

3.How much do you usually pay for the bills of mobile phone services per month?你每月缴付流动电话服务帐单的金额是多少?

4.A man who pkes peeing against the wind has no right to complain about his cleaning bills.一个喜欢对着风撒尿的人没有资格抱怨自己交易单。

5.For a few of the world's key decision makers, it is not in their economic interest to stop, or even slow, the purchase of Treasury Bills.对一些关键国家的决策者而言,停止甚至只是减缓购买美国财政部债券的速度不符合他们的经济利益。

6.Write it down: Write down your goals, how much you spend and what your bills are for each month.记录下来:记录你的目标、一个月花多少钱以及花到哪了。

7.Every day I wake up and I start to calculate how much I should earn today to pay all the bills, I think it's better to die.每天我一睁开眼就要开始计算今天我要挣多少钱,才能够付清账单,我认为还不如去死。

8.At the end of each week John took a giant bucket of change to the bank to be counted out and returned in bills.每个周末,John都把一大筐的零钱抬去银行数清楚,然后再换成纸币拿回来。

9.It said other input cost pressures were a concern and rising oil prices continued to feed through into rising energy and transport bills.它说,其他投入成本压力是一个关注和石油价格上涨继续成为饲料通过不断增长的能源和运输费用。

10.How much short-term cash flow does a company need to pay its bills?公司需要多大的现金流来应对支出