


美式发音: [ˈbruəri] 英式发音: [ˈbruːəri]






1.啤酒厂;啤酒公司a factory where beer is made; a company that makes beer


n.1.a place where beer is made2.a company that makes beer

1.啤酒厂 breed 生产; 繁殖 brewery 啤酒厂 brisk 活泼的; 清新的 ...

2.酿酒厂 fishery( 渔场), brewery酿酒厂) , forestry( 林业) ...

3.酿造厂 nursery 托儿所 brewery 酿造厂 piggery 猪圈 ...

4.槽坊 ... 通“防”。防止;防范[ be on guard] 槽坊[ brewery;distillery] 磨坊[ mill] ...

5.酿造所 ... authentic 真实的,可靠的,可信的正宗的 brewery 酿造所[啤酒等] exquisite 精致的,细腻的,敏锐的 ...


1."Did you hear any more from the brewery? " she asked at the end of the week, hoping by the question to stir him on to action.“你有那家酿酒厂的消息了吗?”她在周末的时候问道,希望这样问能激其他的行动。

2.Early August this year, ms. Xiuzhu find distributors Mr Xu, said he was not in the hotel manager, is instead maotai brewery salesman.今年8月上旬,杨女士找到经销商徐先生,称自己已不在酒店做经理,转而成了茅台酒厂的业务员。

3.China Harbin beer brands of beer in London to do pubpcity, London and the subject of ice in Harbin Brewery together with the model show.中国啤酒品牌哈尔滨啤酒在伦敦做宣传,伦敦地标的冰雕模型与哈尔滨啤酒一同亮相。

4.You know how much they made taking that Hamm Brewery guy?你知道他们为了把哈姆·布鲁利弄出来花了多少钱吗?

5."I saw some of the brewery people to-day, " said Hurstwood. "One man told me he'd try to make a place for me in two or three weeks. "“我今天见了个开酿酒厂的人,”赫斯渥说,“有一个人告诉我说他会设法在两三个星期之内给我找个职位。”

6.The correct brand orientation and its estabpshment are going to be the key of the quapty strategy for a brewery.正确的品牌定位和建设将成为啤酒企业质量战略的关键。

7.He thought about going to some brewery, which, as he knew, frequently controlled saloons which they leased, and get them to help him.他想到去找一些酿酒厂,据他所知,酿酒厂往往辖有出租的酒店,可以去找他们帮帮忙。

8.Anager announced that the deed to a Clendoran brewery would be Calrissian's if he made good on his boast.阿纳格宣布,如果卡瑞森把他吹的牛实现,一处克兰多瑞安酿酒厂的房契就是他的。

9.The brewery said the proposed dismissal of its overseas auditor, PwC, would "improve the efficiency and reduce the costs of disclosure" .青岛啤酒表示,解聘境外审计师罗兵咸永道会计师事务所(PwC)将“有助提高效率及降低披露成本”。

10.Mr Chen's donation to his foundation will mostly be in the form of the shares he still holds in Zijin Mining and Tsingtao Brewery .陈发树向自己基金会所做的捐赠,大部分将以他仍然持有的紫金矿业和青岛啤酒股票为形式。