




1.凹叶厚朴 厚朴 M. officinaps 凹叶厚朴 M. biloba 白玉兰 M. denudata ...

2.银杏种Ginkgoaceae),银杏属(Ginkgo),银杏种(biloba),2亿5千多年前,当侏罗纪恐龙掌控这个地球的时候,银杏已经是最繁盛的 …

3.二裂虾脊兰 ... 虾脊兰属 Calanthe 二裂虾脊兰 biloba 植物界 Plantae ...

4.二裂棘豆 二花棘豆 O. biflora 二裂棘豆 O. biloba 博格多山棘豆 O. bogdoschanica ...

5.两裂婆婆纳 婆婆纳属 Veronica 两裂婆婆纳 V. biloba 植物界 Plantae ...

6.双瓣狸藻 无脚狸藻组 Neppus 双瓣狸藻 U. biloba 植物界 Plantae ...

7.二裂片 biflorum 双花的 biloba 二裂片 blumei 布鲁姆 ...

8.丙二醇 ... 蒸馏水 Kurabowasuka 丙二醇 Biloba 吴茱萸硷 DHEA ...


1.One of the side effects of ginkgo biloba is an increased risk of bleeding. He had no awareness of this.白果的副作用之一是增加出血的几率,他没有意识到这一点。

2.Each shot has no calories, carbohydrates or sugar, and is fortified with gingko biloba and vitamins.每瓶饮料里面都不含有卡路里、碳水化合物和砂糖,但却富含多种维他命及其它营养物质。

3.Conclusion: Ginkgo Biloba succi might have the protective effect on muscle cells during ischemia and reperfusion injury of pmb.结论:银杏叶提取液对缺血再灌注骨骼肌线粒体有保护作用。

4.Ginkgo biloba should be discontinued at least 36 hours before surgery due to the risk of increased bleeding.二叶银杏应该在手术36小时前停止用药,因为它会增加出血的危险。

5.CONTEXT: Ginkgo biloba is widely used for its potential effects on memory and cognition.背景:银杏制剂因具有记忆和认知的潜在作用而被广泛应用。

6.Judging from the botanical Ginkgo biloba compared with the dinosaurs, and giant pandas are known as vegetable kingdom.植物学家常把银杏与恐龙相提并论,并有植物界的大熊猫之称。

7.Comparative Morphology and Its Systematic Imppcation on Epiphyllous Microsporangia from Ginkgo biloba L .银杏叶生小孢子囊比较形态学及系统意义。

8.Extracted from the ancient ginkgo tree, ginkgo biloba is considered the best of all brain-boosting supplements on the market.采摘自古老银杏树的银杏叶,被认为是市场上所有补脑品中最好的。

9.Ginkgo Biloba leaves extracts were studied to determine the impurity component and estabpsh the corresponding detection method.以银杏叶提取物为研究对象,确定其杂质成分,建立相应的检测方法。

10.Conclusion: Ginkgo biloba extract had a more significant effect on acute cerebral infarction.结论:银杏叶制剂治疗急性脑梗死效果显著。