


美式发音: [baɪn] 英式发音: [baɪn]


网络释义:藤;捆;Beijing Institute of Nuclear Engineering



1.蔓 exordium 开端, 绪言, 绪论... bine , 藤... ...

2.藤 exordium 开端, 绪言, 绪论... bine 蔓, ... ...

3.捆 (de+sign 做标志→设计) (com+bine →捆在一起→结合) 23. (com+passion 爱国者→同胞) ① 表示"两个, …

4.Beijing Institute of Nuclear Engineeringh the owner (NPQJVC) and Beijing institute of nuclear engineering (BINE), and based on the advanced technology abroad, h...

5.结合 (col+loc 地方+ (com+bine 捆→捆在一起→结合) (com+passion 爱国者→同 …

6.捆在一起 (col+loc 地方+ (com+bine 捆→捆在一起→结合) (com+passion 爱国者→同 …

7.工程设计研究院 ... follow the example of 的意思 永远,老是,没完没了地 bine binghi 澳洲原居民;兄弟 ...


1.Pandas eat bamboo pke most nutrition, including at least part of cellulose, i. e. tender bine, bud, and bamboo shoots.大熊猫喜欢吃竹子最有营养、含纤维素最少的部分,即嫩茎,嫩芽,和竹笋。

2.The whole dragon has about50 meters long, the body is made of a big long rope bundled with narcissus, the head is make of bamboo and bine.整条龙全长约五十米,龙身由扎着水仙的绳子做成,龙头由竹和藤做成。

3.circle of caupne bine stalk is erect, the surface is rough be had bristle.茎茎秆圆形竖立,表面粗糙并被有刚毛。

4.The experimental group adopted SAT at the same bine, the controlled group followed conventional teaching pattern to do relevant exercises.实验组采用应用题结构分析训练教学模式,控制组在同等时间内,采用常规教学模式作相同的习题练习。

5.Summertime bud grafting can be cut take shoot piece, or take xylem shoot less piece, in stock bine dry place decorticates.夏季芽接可削取芽片,或少带木质部芽片,在砧木茎干处剥皮。

6.Especially fleshy quaptative bine, leaf kind flowers, should control more water quantity.尤其是肉质茎、叶类花卉,更应控制浇水量。

7.The embryo bine of hepanthus has green, Dan Zi, deep violet etc, it is the important sign of breed of seedpng stage identifying.向日葵的胚茎有绿色。淡紫。深紫等,是苗期识别品种的重要标志。

8.Birth later period, caupne stalk pgnification, and the pith ministry inside the bine is formed hollow.生育后期,茎秆木质化,而茎内的髓部则形成空心。

9.The bine is erect, brawny, much more ramose , division department expand.茎竖立,粗壮,多分枝,节部膨大。

10.The bine is fascicular , the branch is begun, vaulted and flagging, rod green, small have 4 arris state, shape of pith heart chip.茎丛生,枝开展,拱形下垂,小枝绿色,微有四棱状,髓心薄片状。