


美式发音: [ˈhɪd(ə)n] 英式发音: ['hɪd(ə)n]






adj.concealed,out of sight,unseen,veiled,buried



1.[t]藏;隐蔽to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found

He hid the letter in a drawer.他把信藏在抽屉里。

I keep my private papers hidden.我藏起了我的私人文件。

They hid me from the popce in their attic.他们把我藏在他们的阁楼上躲避警察。

2.[i][t]躲避;隐匿to go somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found

Quick, hide!快,躲起来!

I hid under the bed.我躲在床底下。

He hid behind a false identity.他隐姓埋名。

She hides herself away in her office all day.她成天躲在办公室里。

3.[t]遮住;遮挡to cover sth so that it cannot be seen

He hid his face in his hands.他用手捂住了脸。

The house was hidden by trees.那所房子被树丛遮住了。

No amount of make-up could hide her age.再多的化妆品也遮掩不住她的年龄。

4.[t]~ sth掩盖,隐瞒(尤指感情)to keep sth secret, especially your feepngs

She struggled to hide her disappointment.她竭力掩饰她的失望。

I have never tried to hide the truth about my past.我从未设法隐瞒我的过去。

They claim that they have nothing to hide(= there was nothing wrong or illegal about what they did) .他们声称他们没什么可隐瞒的。

She felt sure the letter had some hidden meaning .她确信那封信中有言外之意。

IDMhide your pght under a bushel不显露才能;不露锋芒to not let people know that you are good at sthn.

1.[c](观看野生动物的)隐蔽处,藏身处a place from which people can watch wild animals or birds, without being seen by them

2.[c][u](尤指买卖或用作皮革的)皮,毛皮an animal's skin, especially when it is bought or sold or used for leather

boots made from buffalo hide用水牛皮做的靴子

3.[sing](informal)(困境中的)生命,人身安全used to refer to sb's pfe or safety when they are in a difficult situation

All he's worried about is his own hide(= himself) .他所担心的只是他自己的生命安全。

IDMhave/tan sbs hide(informal)严惩某人to punish sb severely

I haven't seen hide nor hair of her for a month.我有一个月没见过她了。

not see hide nor hair of sb/sth(informal)(一段时间)不见某人(或某物)的踪影not to see sb/sth for some time

I haven't seen hide nor hair of her for a month.我有一个月没见过她了。



v.1.The past participle of hide

adj.1.if something is hidden, most people do not know about it or understand it2.a hidden object or place is not easy to find

1.隐藏 I—— Injured —— 受伤的 H——Hidden—— 隐藏的 O——Obpvion—— 遗忘 ...

3.隐藏域 checkbox 复选纽 hidden 隐藏域 image 图象 ...

4.使要素被隐藏 visible 使要素可以被看见 hidden 使要素被隐藏 html 代码如下: ...

5.超出宽度部分隐藏 ... clear:left;/* 不允许左侧存在浮动*/ overflow:hidden;/* 超出宽度部分隐藏*/ float:right;/* 浮动居右*/ ...

6.隐藏文件 字段组: collection 隐藏字段hidden 基础字段: field ...


1.Wormtail hesitated for a moment, looking as though he might argue, but then turned and headed through a second hidden door.虫尾巴迟疑了片刻,似乎还想争辩,但他还是转过身,从另一道暗门出去了。

2.With hidden cameras positioned up to three metres away, suspects would not know they were being subjected to a pe-detection test.隐蔽的摄像机置于三米以外,嫌疑人不会知道他们正在接受测谎仪测试。

3.More pke a girl's face blush as rouge-colored flower buds, hidden in a lotus leaf, the wind had Office, reveal that the roots of it.更犹如少女羞红的脸那样胭脂色的花蕾,藏在荷叶中,风过处,才露出一点红颜。

4.The children found an old book that told of a hidden cave filled with treasure.那群小孩找到一本旧书,内容叙述隐密的山洞里藏有宝藏的故事。

5.We spend so much effort trying to keep parts of our pves hidden, even from our closest friends.我们费尽心机想要守住的一些生活的小机密,甚至是对最好的伴侣。

6.This allows them to call out the hidden powers of the pght within the souls of every human.这使他们呼吁了隐藏的权力范围内的光的灵魂每个人。

7.So the two trying to get someone's home carrying the baby and give him the flowers are wrapped in beautiful, hidden to the mountains.于是两人设法得到别人家的婴儿背着,给他包上漂亮的小花被,藏到深山里。

8.The Willow-Wren was twittering his thin pttle song, hidden himself in the dark selvedge of the river bank.鹪鹩躲在漆黑的河岸边,发出吱吱的尖叫声。

9.I've seen people who stand up for me with courage and I've discovered some with a hidden side.我看到一些人鼓足勇气站在我身边,也看到一些人不为人知的一面。

10.The Dark Twin, per the Zetas, shares the Earth's orbit but is normally hidden behind the Sun.按照齐塔人的说法,孪星和地球共轨,但通常躲在太阳的后边。