




1.斌克 Beth 贝丝 Bink 斌克 Babb 巴布 ...

2.闪烁 4.line-through 删除线 5.bink 闪烁 2.dotted 点线 ...

3.混毛堆 "宾汉流体"," Bingham body" "混毛堆"," bink" "宾尼布(巴基斯坦制)"," binni cloth" ...

4.粉色的 orange 橘色的 bink 粉色的 purple 紫色的 ...

5.瞬间 Wink 瞬间术语说明 Bink 瞬间 Bump 凸起 ...

6.冰克 ... Smith.chalice 史密斯.查理斯 bink 冰克 Bruce,culrose 布鲁斯.卡尔罗斯 ...

7.转瞬即逝有影响力的100人名单中,2005年推出的另一本《转瞬即逝》(bink:),在美国也引起了很大轰动,但《引爆流行》在中国 …

8.冰客gging)、醒客(Thinker)、拍客、聚客、冰客Bink)、飞客、蓝客、酷客、换客、米客、网客、粉客、灰客、协客、炫客 …


1.Roland had sown wild oats? Bink had never imagined such a thing. He remained silent, afraid of what was coming.罗兰也种过野生燕麦?宾克从来没有想过这件事。他继续保持沉默,好像担心接下来的事情。

2.Now it was up to Bink to do what he had to do-to become a real live man.现在取决于宾克不得不做的事情——成为一个真正的男人。

3.There was no question: Bink's father had been correct about the advantages-and frustrations-of a real live girl.毫无疑问:宾克的父亲对于冒险的正确性——挫折——一个鲜活的女孩。

4.There was the ringing sound of metal biting into wood. A scream of sheer agony erupted from the air. Bink and Sabrina jumped.金属砍进木头的声音回荡开来。空中爆发出一声惨叫。宾克和萨布莱娜都跳了起来。

5.Bink wondered briefly about this, as he often did.宾克不由自主地想起这些事来,他经常这样。

6.Roland turned to Bink, shaking his head in a gesture that was only nominally negative.罗兰转向宾克,用一种看似否定他的手势摇着他的头。

7.Bink had no magic, but, perhaps for that reason, he was the huskiest boy in the village.宾克不会魔法,但也许正因为如此,他是全村最结实强壮的小伙子。

8.He saw his mother tugging at his father's arm, pointing Bink's way.他看见母亲拽着父亲的胳膊,朝宾克这边指来指去。

9."No time for the King anyway, " Bink said. He charged toward the tree.“没时间去找国王了,”宾克说。他朝那棵树冲去。

10.Even as Bink watched, one of the lakes expanded slightly, making itself seem cooler and deeper, a better place for a swim.就在宾克眺望的时候,一个湖泊的水面渐渐变大,湖水也显得更加凉爽深邃,变成了一个游泳的好去处。