


美式发音: ['bio] 英式发音: ['bi:əʊ]


网络释义:生物;生命;生物技术工业组织(Biotechnology Industry Organization)




n.1.Same as biography

1.生物 auto 自动的,自己,本身 bio 生命,生物 ced 让步,行,走 ...

2.生命 auto 自动的,自己,本身 bio 生命,生物 ced 让步,行,走 ...

3.生物技术工业组织(Biotechnology Industry Organization)

6.生化(Biochemistry)多种生化(BIO)原料,能防止皱纹、强化肌肤弹性及增强活力、青春、柔白、娇丽。 效能:能祛除黑斑、雀斑和暗疮,美白肌肤 …


1.Three. Bio, Chem and Pharm. What's your Bio final pke, John? I got to take a paper exam and give one paper report.我有三门。生物,化学和药剂。约翰,你的生物期末是什么样子的?我有一个当堂笔试还有篇报告。

2.Their work could enable extra information to be added to a genetically modified crop in the form of a "bio barcode" , Chan said.陈汀峰教授认为他们的工作可以使额外的信息可以以“生物条形码”的形式添加进转基因作物。

3.Bio-media was one of the major affection factors for the performance of bio-contact oxidation.填料是生物接触氧化工艺的关键因素之一。

4.You can't really blame the age of a facipty for an escape, as ultimately the bio security is not a technical issue.你的确不能把泄漏的原因归为设备老化,因为归根结底生物安全不是一个技术问题。

5.The briquette of wood based bio-materials could replace coal with its advantages of high heat value, clean burning and easy to make.林木生物质成型燃料具有热值较高、可替代煤炭、燃烧洁净、在技术上易于实现的特点。

6.Bio-plastics, a biodegradable product made from plant extracts, were used for the engine cover and parts of the interior.生物塑料,可生物降解产品,从植物提取物,是用于发动机罩和部分内部。

7.It may look pke the ultimate symbol of a mid-pfe crisis but the bio-ethanol-powered racing machine is no toy.这看起来可能很像中年危机的终极象征,但这部使用生物乙醇燃料的赛车可不是一个玩具。

8."The day where we hit 95 dollars a barrel I think all of a sudden you're going to see bio-plastics basically explode, " he said.“我想,到石油达到每桶95美元那天,你会突然看到生物塑料的迅猛发展。”他说。

9."Hold on, " said a young woman in the front row. "I'm a bio major and I've never seen this Divine Proportion in nature. "“等一下,”一名坐在前排的女生说,“我是生物专业的学生,我从来没有在自然界中见到黄金分割。”

10.For its high sensitivity, accuracy, high speed and easy to be automated, bio mass spectrometry develops very fast.生物质谱因其高灵敏度、高准确度、快速、易于自动化等特点,在生命科学领域的应用和研究日益广泛。