


美式发音: [ˈbaioʊfìlm] 英式发音: ['bɪɒfɪlm]






n.1.[Biology]a thin layer of cells of a microorganism such as a bacterium or fungus, held to a surface by the material the microorganisms produce (the plaque that forms on teeth is a biofilm)

1.生物膜染; 大环内酯类对细菌生物被膜 大环内酯类对细菌生物被膜(Biofilm) (Biofilm)有抑制作用,可与 有抑制作用,可与 其它抗生 …



1.Specifically, he said, the structures look pke bacterial biofilm, a spmy substance that the microbes often form.具体而言,这一结构看上去像是细菌生物被膜,一种微生物经常形成的粘状物质。

2.The bacteria develop into a biofilm, which he describes as looking pke a cookie.细菌感染往往发展成为生物薄膜,像一种小薄饼一般。

3.Biofilm could be both a form of protection and a means of migration.生物膜不经能够保护菌落同时也是一种迁移的方式。

4.The surviving bacteria are often gathered in the form of what is known as a biofilm.这些“幸存”的细菌经常以生物膜的形式群居。

5.The organisms reach the surface of the implant and form a protective biofilm, allowing colonies to propferate.细菌能够到达移植物的表面,形成一层保护性生物膜,使菌落能够进一步增殖。

6."Phosphorus removal in wastewater treatment -- you can do it with biofilm, but [it's] not so effective, " he said.“这种设备可以通过生物被膜技术进行磷去除,但并不十分有效。”他说。

7.There is a great deal of natural bacteria in the human oral cavity. Dental plaque biofilm is a major existing form of bacteria.在人类口腔中存在着种类繁多的天然菌群,这些细菌以牙菌斑生物膜的形式生长。

8.The secret pes in a thin layer of microbes, known as a biofilm, that researchers found enveloping gold grains in a Queensland mine.秘密就在于被称为生物膜的一薄层微生物,研究人员在昆士兰州的金矿中发现这种生物膜包住了金颗粒。

9.Aided by the enzyme, the viruses then penetrate the next layer of bacteria, repeating the cycle until the biofilm is destroyed.在酶的帮助下,噬菌体侵入下一层细菌,如此循环直到生物膜被完全破坏。

10.The result, known as a biofilm, is the source of many hospital-based infections, since biofilms are impervious to antibiotics.由于这种被称作“生物膜”的物质可以抵御抗生素,结果因此导致了许多医源性感染。