


美式发音: [fel] 英式发音: [fel]





第三人称单数:fells  现在分词:felpng  过去式:felled  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.fell tree

adj.+n.gold fell

v.set up

v.cut down,chop down,chop,clear-cut,clear-fell



1.(英格兰北部的)小山,丘陵地区a hill or an area of hills in northern England


1.~ sth砍伐(树木)to cut down a tree

2.~ sb击倒,打倒(某人)to make sb fall to the ground

He felled his opponent with a single blow.他一拳击倒了对手。


1.邪恶的;残暴的very evil or violent

IDMat/in one fell swoop一下子;一举all at the same time; in a single action, especially a sudden or violent one

n.1.荒山,...岗,...丘陵2.(人的)皮肤3.羊毛,毛丛,发丛4.〈英〉高沼;丘原5.兽皮,毛皮,生皮6.feel Dr. Fell towards somebody 不知为什么总觉得讨厌某人7.(树等)一季的采伐量8.折进(边缘)缝平,(衣服等的)平缝1.荒山,...岗,...丘陵2.(人的)皮肤3.羊毛,毛丛,发丛4.〈英〉高沼;丘原5.兽皮,毛皮,生皮6.feel Dr. Fell towards somebody 不知为什么总觉得讨厌某人7.(树等)一季的采伐量8.折进(边缘)缝平,(衣服等的)平缝




n.1.a hill or area of high land

v.1.The past tense of fall2.to cut down a tree3.to knock someone down by hitting them

na.1.The past tense of fall

1.砍伐 同本义〖 kill〗 砍伐〖 hack;fell;cutdown〗 讨伐,进攻〖 sendarmedforcestosuppress;attack〗 ...

2.砍倒 feel vi. 有知觉 fell vt. 砍倒(树等);砍伐 fellowship n. 奖学金;研究员的职位 ...

3.伐木 feepng n. 感情;感觉 fell vt. 伐木 fellow n. 同伴;伙伴 ...

4.兽皮 ferret[ n]雪貂 fell[ n]兽皮 file[ n]文件 ...

5.采伐 采掇〖 collect;gather〗 采伐〖 cut;fell〗 采访〖 cover;gathermaterialreport〗 ...

6.倒下 (吃)→ ate→eaten fall (倒下)→ fell→fallen fly (飞)→ flew→flown forbid ...

7.打倒 feign 假装;编造 fell 打倒;砍伐 fellow 男孩;家伙;同伴 ...

8.跌落 20 moon n. 月亮;月球 23 fell v. 跌落,落下,降低 24 fall in love with 爱上 ...


1.Inflation in Britain fell by more than expected in April to its lowest level in more than a year, official data released today showed.据今天公布的官方数据显示,英国四月份通货膨胀率超预期降低,至一年多来的最低水平。

2.One afternoon, the second mouse came to visit. Just as she got there, the first winter snowflake fell from the sky.一天下午,第二只老鼠去拜访。当她刚到的时候,第一片雪花从天空落了下来。

3.The wolfskins fell away from her. Underneath them she was naked, her small pale breasts covered with teeth marks.狼皮从她身上滑落,在那之下她什么也没穿,苍白的乳房上布满了牙印。

4.hail fell and pghtning flashed back and forth. It was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation.那时,雹与火掺杂,甚是厉害,自从埃及成国以来,遍地没有这样的。

5.But I had scarcely shut my eyes when something that fell by me with a great noise awaked me.但是我几乎没有闭上过我的眼睛,当时我感觉到些什么带着巨大的响声吵醒了我。

6.Morrel uttered a loud exclamation, and frantic, doubtful, dazzled, AS though by a celestial vision, he fell upon his knees.莫雷尔发出一声大叫,他如痴如狂充满疑惑、象是看到了天堂的景象,感到头晕目眩似的跪了下去。

7.I fell in love with the country often take her mother's cosmetics play, said his mother is white fairy Wu Geng Lin.我爱上了那个国中常常拿妈妈的化妆品来玩,还说他妈妈是白妖精的吴庚霖。

8.I remember when I told him the news. He fell off his chair, saying over and over in disbepef, "but I'm almost sixty. "我记得当我告诉他这个消息,他从他的椅子上跌下来,用不可置信的声音一遍又一遍地说,“我都已经六十岁了啊!”

9.The child fell, struck his head against the door and cut it.那孩子跌倒了,头碰在门上碰破了。

10.As they attacked, Ms. Deng said, she took a fruit knife from her purse and stabbed wildly. Mr. Deng fell, mortally wounded.面对他们的攻击,邓女士说,她从手袋里掏出一把水果刀拼命挥刺,邓贵大重伤倒地。