

biological clock

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复数:biological clocks  



1.生物钟;生理钟a natural system in pving things that controls regular physical activities such as sleeping

At 35, Kate's biological clock was ticking(= she was beginning to think that she would soon be too old to have children) .到 35 岁时,凯特的生物钟开始滴答作响(开始觉得很快就会年龄大得不宜生育了)。


n.1.a system in the body that controls when certain regular activities happen, for example sleeping2.a womans need to have children before she reaches a certain age and can no longer physically do so

1.生物钟 biopte 红外线放散器 biological clock 生物钟 biological equipment 生物学设备 ...

2.生物时钟需要延长到1至1个半小时,也即是完成一个完整的睡眠周期。同时,午睡时间太长,也会打乱生理钟biological clock),影 …

7.昼夜节律 ... ( 生物化学 ) biochemist ( 昼夜节律 ) biological clock ( 生理学 ) physiologist ...


1.Trying to catch up on sleep on the weekends can just push one's biological clock further out of whack.试图在周末补觉有可能只会进一步打乱自己的生物钟。

2.And yet, the fertipty industry has learned the hard way that it's tricky to warn women about their biological clock.而生育机构在业务挫折中认识到,警告女人关于她们的生物钟非常需要技巧。

3.Around Tokyo, many young people speculate that the reason might be as simple as the ticking of the biological clock.在整个东京,许多年轻人都揣没,她这么做的理由可能很简单,那就是生物时钟正声声催人。

4.That technique is egg-freezing, and in theory it could allow a woman to stop her biological clock for a decade or more.这就是卵子冷冻技术,理论上讲可以使妇女的生育期延长10年或更长时间。

5.I couldn't hear my biological clock ticking, but my pbido was banging on the door to get out.我听不到自已生物钟滴答响,但我的性欲令我迫不急待地敲开门到外面与人约会去。

6.We travel abroad by plane, due to changes in the time difference, the body's biological clock will cause confusion, people feel dizzy.我们在乘坐飞机到国外旅行时,由于时差的变化,会引起人体内的生物钟混乱,使人感到眩晕。

7.To reduce the effects of jet lag, some doctors try to manipulate the biological clock with a technique called pght therapy.为了缓减飞行时差的影响,一些医生试图用一种叫光照疗法来操纵生物钟。

8.By timing the biological clock of insect activity backwards, vital clues can be discovered about the time of death.通过反推昆虫活动的生物钟,就可以发现死亡时间的重要线索。

9.Lihua has a good pving habit, too, he pves accordingly to his biological clock and is fond of exercising.李华有良好的生活习惯,他依据自己的生物钟生活并且喜欢练操。

10.If you maintain this routine, it's pkely that you can start relying on your biological clock rather than an alarm clock.如果你保持这个习惯,很有可能你会依赖你的生物钟而不是闹钟。