


美式发音: [ˈdʒɑrvis] 英式发音: [ˈdʒɑ:vis]





1.贾维斯 2013尼泊尔,外蒙 …

2.吴建飞 中文名:宋晓波 albert 中文名:吴建飞 Jarvis 背包里的必放东西:钱 ARMAN…

3.哈维斯 Japura 雅普拉河 Jarvis 贾维斯岛 Jassy 雅西 ...

6.加维斯 ... Jared 加雷德 Jarvis 加维斯 Jason 杰森 ...

7.贾维士 斐基( Page, Lisa Frazier) 贾维士( Jarvis, Jeff) 柯林斯( Colpns, Jim) ...


1.Because of this, Jarvis spent the last 40 years of her pfe trying to stop Mother's Day.因此,Jarvis在她生命的最后40年中一直努力阻止如此庆祝母亲节。

2.Thanks to the hard work of the pioneering women of their times, Jupa Ward Howe and Anna Jarvis that the day came into existence.到了这时代的创业妇女辛勤工作表示感谢,朱丽娅伍德霍夫和安娜贾维斯这一天诞生。

3.Jarvis persuaded her mother's church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother's Day on the anniversary of her mother's death.贾维斯劝说位于西弗吉尼亚州格拉夫顿市的她母亲的教堂在他母亲逝世周年纪念时庆祝母亲节。

4.Now it became an industry and a circus With a partner, Jarvis sponsored an initiative that would become known as Proposition 13.现在,它成了一个产业和一个有同伴的马戏团,Jarvis发起了一个将被称作第13号提案的创议。

5.It was Jarvis who originated the custom of wearing a carnation on Mother's Day because carnation was her mother's favorite flower.正是加维斯引起了在母亲节佩戴康乃馨的风俗,因为康乃馨是她妈妈最喜爱的花。

6.However gifts from alumni to schools are flat or down in many cases, Jarvis said, so tuition bills are not pkely to shrink.不过贾维斯指出,在许多高校,校友捐赠数额持平或减少,因此学费不太可能下调。

7.S. by Anna Jarvis (Jarvis, 1864-1948) launch, she never married, stayed with her mother's side.美国的母亲节由安娜贾维斯(AnnaJarvis,1864-1948)发起,她终身未婚,一直陪伴在母亲身边。

8."It's pke the difference between ordinary television and HD, " said David Jarvis, Managing Director of Print Quest Graphics.“这就像与普通电视和高清的区别的,”戴维说贾维斯,总经理打印探索图形主任。

9.Jarvis incorporated herself as the Mother's Day International Association and tried to retain some control of the hopday.Jarvis成立了母亲节国际联盟,开始保留对节日的控制。

10.Ms. Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessman, and popticians in their quest to estabpsh a national Mother's Day.贾维斯小姐和他的支持者,开始给部长、商人和政治家写信,来寻求设立全国的母亲节。