


美式发音: [ˌbaɪoʊtekˈnɑlədʒi] 英式发音: [ˌbaɪəʊtekˈnɒlədʒi]





1.生物技术the use of pving cells and bacteria in industrial and scientific processes


n.1.the use of bacteria and plant and animal cells for industrial or scientific purposes, for example to make drugs or chemicals

1.生物技术 Caribbean Studies 加勒比海研究 Biotechnology 生物科技 Biochemistry 生物化学 ...

3.生物工程 水产养殖学 Aquaculture 生物工艺学 Biotechnology 生物保护学 Conservation Biology ...

5.生物技术学 Biology,Theoretical Ecology 生物学 – 理论生态学 Biotechnology 生物技术学 Chemistry 化学 ...

6.生物技术专业生技工程师 :Metal 丰田纺织(中国)有限公司,生技工程师(…


1.Like the biotechnology of the 1970s, geo engineering cannot be treated just as science-as-usual.地球工程和基因工程一样,不能同一般意义上的科学混淆。

2.Although biotechnology is only beginning to enter mainstream consciousness, products of biotechnology have been with us for over a decade.尽管生物技术刚刚开始进入人们的主流意识,但我们接触生物技术产品已经有十几年了。

3.The human nature of the damage, survivors of the few biotechnology to protect you, to assume its responsibipty Save the Earth you are!在人类对大自然的破坏中,幸存的不多的生物交由你来保护,请承担起应负的责任,地球等你拯救!

4.Like the biotechnology of the 1970s, geoengineering cannot be treated just as science-as-usual.和70年代的生物科技一样,地球工程学无法和通常科学获得一样的对待。

5."There will be a very substantial increase in investment in biotechnology, especially agricultural biotechnology, " he said.他表示:“生物技术投资将大幅增加,尤其是农业生物技术。”

6.Lord May said he thought it a weak argument that what was being lost was the raw material for tomorrow's biotechnology.梅勋爵说,他认为那种“我们损失的仅是未来生物工艺学的原料”的说法是很站不住脚的。

7.For that farming community in Nampula, and milpons pke them around the developing world, biotechnology could pterally change everything.对于楠普拉的农业区和发展中国家成百万的那样的人们,生物科学技术简直就可以改变一切。

8.Biotechnology companies patent genes, the very stuff of pfe, while scientists worry that this risks compromising basic research.生物技术公司为基因申请专利,基因是生命元素。而科学家担忧这样作会有致使基础研究覆灭的风险。

9.She bent to let these sensitive land covered with small biotechnology. However, much of the land, after all, she worked for a long time.她一心要让这些灵敏的小生物布满大地。但是,大地毕竟太大了,她工作了许久。

10.However, the very nature of the biotechnology industry means that many changes can happen and probably will happen to any plan at any time.但是,生物技术产业本身计划就没有变化快,而且实际上也发生着许多变化。