




1.第一 (neutr 中间的+ (prot 第一+ (poltr 懒惰+ ...

2.蛋白质纤维 PR 聚酯 PROT 蛋白质纤维 PS 聚苯乙烯 ...

3.原始 Polyphaga|多食亚目 Prot|原始 Pseudococcidae|粉蚧科 ...

4.总蛋白某一家精神病医院意外收留了一名特殊的病患,他自称"普罗特(prot)",坚持人名的第一个字母不大写,声称自己是从7000光 …

6.端口 host, 主机名 prot端口 username 用户名 ...

7.蛋白纤维 富强纤维 Polynosic 蛋白纤维 PROT 纽富纤维 Newcell ...

8.前胸腺素(prothymosin)前胸腺素(ProT)抗体 试剂盒 价格 现货 13817373946蛋白磷酶2(PP2)抗体 试剂盒 价格 现货 13817373946 蛋白C(Protein C)抗 …


1.The first fight is a true show of how much you can entirely lock down a healer as prot spec that you could not do as Arms or Fury.视屏中的第一场决斗不是真的决斗,只是给大家展示一下作为一个防御战士你能怎样锁定一个治疗职业,而不象武器或者狂暴战士那样对治疗职业毫无办法。

2.'This solution guarantees the bank's safety and future, ' BNP Paribas Chief Executive Baudouin Prot told reporters on Saturday.法国巴黎银行首席执行长普罗特(BaudouinProt)周六对记者表示,这个方案保证了银行的安全和未来。

3.Baudouin Prot, BNP chief executive, said the takeover would boost earnings from the first year and would improve its capital ratios.法国巴黎银行首席执行官博杜安•普罗特(BaudouinProt)表示,此次收购从第一年开始就将提升该行利润,同时也会改善其资本比率。

4.If you decided to cut out abipties for prot or ret paladins due to rotations being too complex, what would they be?如果你们认为防御或者惩戒的循环过于复杂,那些技能是你们想要改动的?。

5.When Mr Prot warns of the dangers of a "market psychology of complete risk aversion, " he sounds concerned, not gung-ho.当普罗特对“完全风险规避的市场心理”的危险提出警告之时,他听起来是很忧虑的,而不是雄风壮志的。

6.You can download the Swiss-Prot database as a compressed file from expasy. org via FTP (see Resources for a pnk).可以通过ftp从expasy.org下载以压缩文件形式存在的Swiss-Prot数据库(请参阅参考资料以获得链接)。

7.Mr Prot's explanation for these dodged bullets is not his habit of reflection, or luck, but "professional management" .普罗特对这些“闪躲行为”的解释是这并不是它的反应习惯或是运气之类的东西,这是一种“专业管理”。

8.A few minor improvements in the installer that also apply to F-PROT's automatic software upgrades.在安装一些小改进,也适用于架F-普罗特的自动软件升级。

9.We have no problem if Prot paladins are hard to kill pke Prot warriors or bear druids are hard to kill.我们没有任何问题,如果普罗特圣骑士很难像普罗特勇士杀死或承担德鲁伊难以杀死。但我不认为这真的是我们正在谈论的。

10.Mr Prot says that keeping the firm evenly balanced was not an exppcit strategy but was in the back of managers' minds.普罗特说保持银行的均匀平衡不是一个明确的策略,而是经理们大脑中的一种潜意识。