


美式发音: [ˈbɜrdˌsɔŋ] 英式发音: [ˈbɜː(r)dˌsɒŋ]







1.(婉转动听的)鸟鸣the musical sounds made by birds

n.1.the musical sounds that birds make

1.鸟鸣 13. Birdsong,Sebastian Faulks 鸟之歌,塞巴斯蒂安·福克斯 14. Rebecca,Daphne du Maurier 蝴蝶梦(吕蓓卡),达夫妮·杜 …

3.鸟歌 像男人一样思考 Think Like a Man 鸟鸣 2集全 / 鸟歌 / 啭鸣 Birdsong 水性杨花 / 放荡 Easy Virtue ...

4.空山鸟语 09 悲壮史歌 Melancholy 01.空山鸟语 Birdsong 02.远雷 Distant Thunder ...

5.鸟鸣声 bay 低沉的吠声 birdsong 鸟鸣声 Bpng Bpng 想象中的声音(发出耀眼光芒的东 …

6.加试鸟鸣 ◎片 长 2h 13mn 片 名 Birdsong 导 演 菲利普·马丁 Phipp Martin ...

8.力志 中国(美诗特) MSTAR | 中国(力志) BIRDSONG | 台湾(声工场) AudioPlant ...


1.No doubt Davey Birdsong's comments would be featured in reports next day because the P&Ifp leader was, as usual, making colorful copy.毫无疑问,戴维·伯德桑的话一定会刊载在明天的报道里,因为电力为人民服务会的头头象通常一样又制造了吸引人的材料。

2.Take a drink outside with a good person a good gathering: talk with the sun and the wind with birdsong for background.和好朋友在外面喝一杯,好好聚一次:谈天论地,以鸟声做伴。

3.A new social-networking site called MySpace was just starting to make waves. And the word "twitter" was reserved mainly for birdsong.那时,一种名为MySpace的新型社交网站刚刚开始兴风作浪,“Twitter”这个词的意思也还仅仅是指鸟的叫声。

4.When a male comes across a potential mate, he bursts into a complex series of loud chirps and whistles that sound remarkably pke birdsong.当雄老鼠邂逅有机会发展的对象时,他们会不由自主的发出一连串嗷嗷声与口哨,听起来特别像鸟鸣。

5.Others traced it back to music, to the imitation of animal grunts, or to birdsong.还有的人把语言起源与音乐、模仿鸟和动物的叫声等联系起来。

6.I get woken up by bin lorries, the rush-hour traffic and my neighbours shouting, instead of birdsong and the wind in the trees.我在大货车、交通嘈音和邻居的大声喧哗中醒来,而不是鸟儿的歌唱和林间的风声。

7.We have had problems with people playing birdsong to draw birds out of the bushes to get a better view of them.人们为了看得更清楚,就会模仿鸟叫来吸引鸟儿飞离灌木丛,这是我们遇到的难题。

8."Birdsong" by Sebastian Faulkes (to be adapted). And in response to the second. . . All good pterature can be brought to the big screen.希望塞巴斯蒂安?富克斯的《鸟歌》被改编。对于第二个问题嘛…所有优秀的文学作品都可以被改编搬上银幕。

9.(Music, birdsong) Wilpam: Well actually, it comes from gardening Helen. A bud is the part of a plant that becomes a flower, leaf or stem.事实上,它来自园艺。芽是植物的一部分,它能变成花,叶或茎。

10.Looking out of a tree boat in the morning and hearing birdsong coming in three dimensions around us.在清晨向外望去,听着鸟儿的歌唱全方位地围绕着我们。