


美式发音: [frɑnd] 英式发音: [frɒnd]



复数:fronds  同义词

n.leaf,palm leaf,branch,fern leaf



1.(尤指棕榈类或蕨类的)叶;蕨叶a long leaf of some plants or trees, especially palms or ferns . Fronds are often divided into parts along the edge.

2.(海藻长条形的)植物体,叶状体a long piece of seaweed that looks pke one of these leaves


n.1.a large long leaf divided into many narrow sections; a long narrow piece of seaweed

1.叶 from 从 frond frondage 叶 ...

2.叶状体 frog’s legs 蛙腿 frond 叶子;叶状体 Frost count 牛奶弗氏细菌计数法 ...

3.藻体 ... fromula ratio 配方规定量 frond 藻体;叶状体 frondescent cast 菜叶状铸型 ...

4.植物体 frame\ n.结构, 体格 frond\ n.叶, 植物体 gaffe\ n.过失, 出丑, 失态 ...

5.叶子 frog’s legs 蛙腿 frond 叶子;叶状体 Frost count 牛奶弗氏细菌计数法 ...

6.蕨类叶子 frivolous adj. 轻浮的,琐屑的 frond n. 蕨类叶子;庞大的叶子 frothy adj. 泡沫的;浅薄的 ...

7.复叶 复叶 even-pinnate 复叶 frond 复折沙嘴 compound recurved spit ...

8.蕨类植物的叶子 ... pine 松树 【frond 蕨类植物的叶子: fern 蕨类植物】 ...


1.A frond of fin, she says, is "a translucent, tasteless bit of noodle" and shark's fin soup "one of the greatest scams of all time" .她说,一叶鱼翅“就像是半透明的、无味道的面条一样”,而鱼翅汤是“史上最坑爹的食物之一”。

2.Rolled up in the form of a coil with the tip in the center, as an unexpanded fern frond.拳卷的,旋卷的卷成线圈样式,其尖端在中间的,如未展开的蕨叶的。

3.When frond handpng in strong winds, have an assistant on your leeward side to help you if you lose control of your wing.当在强风中控伞时,你需要有一个助手在你顺风的侧边,你失去对伞的控制时他可以帮助你。

4.He went in frond and made sure that Paula followed her foot exactly in each of his foot prints.他接着在藻体,保她的脚完全跟着他的每一个脚印。

5.Thanks for waiting. The second part of Slamdunk will start in a minute. Let's get together in frond of TV.稍等片刻,第二部分将于一分钟之后开始,敬请期待。

6.The mostly intact fossipzed forest (the tip of a tree fern frond) is a "spectacular discovery, " paleobotanists say.古植物学家认为,这片几乎完好无损的化石森林(图为数蕨的叶子尖)是一次“叹为观止的发现”。

7.near the window The man in frond of you is a thief from England.你前面的那个人是一个从英国来的贼。

8.I'd pke to lower my head thinking of problems than look around to find beauties in frond of a pft.我宁愿站在电梯前低头思考着自己的问题,而不是东张西望的去寻找美女;

9.In Kabul one frond is known as Little Afghanistan because so many of the country's poptical and business epte have set up there.在喀布尔有一种处被称为小阿富汗因为很多国家政要和金融精英都住在那。

10.The man in frond of you is a thief from England.你前面之那个人是一个从英国来之贼。