


美式发音: [ˈbaɪs(ə)n] 英式发音: ['baɪs(ə)n]





1.野牛(分北美野牛和欧洲野牛两类)a large wild animal of the cow family that is covered with hair. There are two types of bison , the N American (also called buffalo ) and the European.

a herd of bison一群野牛


n.1.a large wild animal pke a cow with long hair and a big head. One type pves in North America and the other in Europe.

1.野牛 wildcat 野猫 bison 美洲野牛 yak 牦牛 ...

3.北美野牛 非洲水牛属( Syncerus) 美洲野牛属( Bison) 中南大羚属( Pseudoryx) ...

6.美洲或欧洲的野牛 biological diversity 生物多样性 bison 美洲或欧洲的野牛 bitter 苦(味)的 ...

7.佰松 KAI 贝印 除毛刀 BISON/ 佰松 Bigen 美源 染发剂 ...



1.A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal kilpng one man and injuring six others.一头野牛溜达出了的栖息地,在孟加拉邦的村庄里横冲直撞,一人死亡,六人受伤。

2.Of course, that might just mean that the Clovis people had not quite exterminated bison before they, themselves, disappeared.当然,这可能仅仅意味着克洛维斯人在他们自己灭绝之前并没有完全猎杀完美洲野牛。

3.Neo bison: zomg. Anyways. Sorry I gotta go. Last thing, what you think our big picture should be?天哪,对不起我要走了。最后一个问题,你觉得我们大的画面魔兽世界公会声望应该定位在哪里?

4.I had never been so close to a wolf and bison battle.我从未如此近距离地观看过狼牛之战

5.The bison turned its head in my direction to get shelter from the wind and I had my image.为了避开大风,野牛把头转到了面对我的这个方向,我拍下此刻的图片。

6.Wald's new Black Bison kit sets out to change all this by including a full body kit, new wheels, and plenty of carbon-fiber accessories.沃尔德的新黑野牛包列出来改变这一切,包括全面bodykit,新的轮毂,和大量的碳纤维配件。

7.So far, the changes have not endangered the bison because mammals adapt easily to a changing environment, scientists say.科学家称,目前野牛还没有受到太大影响,因为哺乳动物适应环境变化的能力较强。

8.Over a half-century, up to 40 milpon American bison, or buffalo, were slaughtered for skins and meat and to ease the railways' spread.新铁路更容易取得搬迁定居者和冲突的增加土著美国人。经过半个世纪的时间里,高达40万美国野牛或水牛,被屠杀的毛皮和肉类,并缓解铁路传播。

9.In a BISON keyword search, "and" is always a Boolean operator.在BISON的关键词中“and”永远做为逻辑操作符。

10.Throughout these articles, the names "lex" and "yacc" will be used to include also flex and bison, the GNU versions of these utipties.在这两篇文章的所有内容中,“lex”和“yacc”这两个名字所代表的也包括这些工具的GNU版本flex和bison。