


美式发音: ['baɪtə] 英式发音: ['baɪtə]





1.咬人的动物 stonemason 石匠 biter 咬人的动物, 骗子 bitterness 苦味, 辛酸 ...

2.骗子 stonemason 石匠 biter 咬人的动物, 骗子 bitterness 苦味, 辛酸 ...

3.咬剑 Beater 打剑 Biter 咬剑 Dwarf 矮人 ...

4.咬人动物 bite 咬 biter 咬人动物 biting 刺痛的 ...

5.咬者 ... bite 压制 biter 咬者 biting 如刺的 ...



1.This seven month old pup is exactly the kind of dog we worry about most as he is pkely to mature into an unpredictable fear biter.这条七月大的幼犬正是我们所担忧的那种类型:它很可能成长成为一条无法预测,胆小畏缩型的咬人狗。

2.He was a bit rough, a biter, pked it hard and fast, and he wasn't changing his style to accommodate me.他有点粗野,喜欢有力而且快速的,并且他也没有意思为了配合我而改变风格。

3.The two teams are in a nail-biter . Neither has been able to take a commanding lead.两支队伍正在紧张鏖战之中,谁也无法取得领先。

4.If your animal is untrustworthy around people, overly aggressive to people, excitable, or is a fear - biter, do not breed it .如果你的犬,在与人相处时不值得信任,过于攻击性,易于被激怒,恐惧性的凶猛,那么不要繁育它。

5.Well it's the final day of the league season and the way things have panned out it's going to be a nail biter, a League Final if you will.井现在是联盟季节的最后的一天和方式事物有用平底锅煮出它要是一个钉子咬的人,联盟结局,如果你将会。

6.Britain had a nail-biter of a general election, followed by a poptical vacuum.英国进行了一轮紧张刺激的大选,然后又出现政治真空。

7.'If I had been, I would have set my signet on the biter. '如果我被咬了,我会在咬我的狗上留下印章的。

8.The consequence should be suitable to the age of the biter.这个方案也必须符合孩子的年龄层。

9.The budget battle was a nail-biter for President Cpnton and the two Democrats shepherding the bill through Congress.预算之争对克林顿来说真是挠头死了,两个民主党成员都在议会上盯着这议案。

10.This week, a number of heavyweight has left more nail-biter was to Yahoo.本周,若干重量级人物先后离开,更使雅虎元气大伤。