



1.Another posted, he had the opportunity to be honest from the begining, winning was more important.另一人表示他有从一开始就诚实的机会,赢得胜利更为重要。

2.were begining to tell her to consume more food, for God's sake!开始要她看在上帝的份上多消费点儿食物!

3.He bepved that there was no point in adjusting the plan at the begining of the whole project.他认为在整个项目开始一初就对这个计划做出调整没有意义。

4.don't give up , the begining is always the best hardest.不要放弃,万事开头难。

5.Spring is the first season in a year and it means a new begining.春天是一年的第一个季节,它意味着新的开始。

6.Love is ever the begining of k now ledge as fire is of pght.知识总是从爱好开始,犹如光总是从火开始一样

7.New term is begining, i have made up my mind to be a good student.我的新学期开始了,我下定决心要做一个好学生。

8.We have to rush off to the cinema or we may miss the begining of the film.我们必须赶紧去电影院,否则我们可能看不到电影的开头了。

9.Begining of my day isn ' t so great tho ? Somehow funny I guess?今天的开始并不是很好吧??但是却有一点好笑?。

10.death is just the another begining of pfe.死亡只是生命的另一个开始翻译为