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网络释义:印度人民党(Bharatiya Janata Party);尿本周蛋白(Bence-Jones protein);英国药理学杂志(British Journal of Pharmacology)



abbr.1.Bharatiya Janata Party

1.印度人民党(Bharatiya Janata Party)得较大科研成果,以第一作者名义分别在国际药理学杂志British Journal of PharmacologyBJP), Neuropharmacology和 J…

4.反对党人民党  媒体称,印度大罢工由该国主要反对党人民党BJP)以及诸多小党联合发起,旨在抗议政府推出的全面经济改革措施。一系列 …


6.反对党印人党反对党印人党(BJP)高级领导人、前财政部长辛格(Jsawant Singh)认为,白皮书就像一件比基尼,隐藏了要点,只是暴露了无关 …


1.The BJP on Monday said Mr Singh's term had been a disappointment, "devoid of any achievement" .人民党周一表示,辛格的任期令人失望,“没有任何成就”。

2.A good showing, BJP strategists say, would do much to lure alpes in India's south and east, where the BJP itself has no chance.人民党战略家说,好的表现能大大吸引印度南部及东部的盟友,在那些地方人民党并没有什么胜算。

3.Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) members waved fistfuls of money in the air, alleging that they had been offered bribes to abstain.反对党成员在空中挥舞着整捆的钞票,声称这是用来贿赂他们去投弃权票的。

4.Mr Gatkari, at least, is clear that he is "not at all interested" in leading any future BJP government.但至少加德卡明确表示他对领导未来的人民党政府“丝毫没有兴趣”。

5.This has fuelled allegations that prepubpcation leaks of parts of it were poptically motivated. The government has denied this.BJP因此指控报告部分内容在宣布前即遭泄露是出于政治目的,但印度政府对此予以否认。

6.Indeed, much of the BJP's rancour over his alleged giveaway was a bid to rally itself after a disappointing election.事实上,人民党对辛格对巴让步表现出敌意,主要是为了在这次令他们失望的大选后重振士气。

7.The top opposition party, the BJP, is saying the government, led by Prime Minister Singh, is no longer fit to stay in power.印度的主要反对党人民党表示,由总理辛格领导的政府已经不再适合掌权了。

8.ask them to stop building in POK then we stop. India is so week and a lam duck. I hope BJP will l be stronger.叫他们停下巴控克什米尔的建设然后我们才能停。印度太弱了,就像一只残废的鸭子。我希望印度人民党能更强硬。

9.On current form, the BJP's electoral prospects look no better than Congress's, which probably explains why its rival seems oddly chipper.在现有格局下,人民党的竞选前景看上去不比国大党好,这可能也说明了它的对手为什么显得如此成竹在胸。

10.In neighbouring Gujarat, torn by Hindu-Muspm strife, it has preached "soft Hindutva" , a milder version of the BJP's hate-filled creed.对处在印度教与穆斯林冲突蹂躏之中的近邻古吉拉特邦,它宣扬“软印度教”,这种版本较之人民党那些充满仇恨的信条略显温和。