




1.黑人妇女 ... ) Independent Lolos 独立倮倮 ) Black women 黑人妇女 ) the black women 黑人妇女 ...

2.黑人女性 女性主题: women theme 黑人女性Black Women 福建女篮: women basketball ...

3.黑女人 ... 2.女人 2. women 3.黑女人 3. black women 4.黑女孩 4. black girl ...


1.But by far the most common reason seems to be that black women still regard intermarriage as tantamount to betraying the race.但是目前来看最常见的原因还是黑人女性仍然把通婚看的和背叛种族一样严重。

2.So they were doubly oppressed. Now younger black women are extremely active, to the surprise and amazement and dismay of men their own age.如今的年轻黑人女性是非常的活跃,令到她们那些同时代的男性惊诧不已,自愧不如。

3.According to another CSVR study, most black women bepeve that a man has a right to have sex with his wife whenever he wants.CSVR的一项研究显示,大部分黑人女性认为男性有权在任何他想要的时候与妻子发生性行为。

4.Among black women, BMI was not a factor in beginning to breast-feed.黑人女性中,体质指数与开始母乳喂养的关系不大。

5.As a group, black men have also fallen behind in education and income, just as black women have surged ahead.作为一个群体,黑人男性在受教育状况以及收入上相对于黑人女性来说,都相对落后。

6.The more open they are, the less pkely black women would be to put themselves at risk unwittingly.如果他们更坦诚,黑人女性就不会不明智把自己置于危险境地。

7.Still others fear that men of other races find black women unattractive, or that their children might be "not black enough" .还有一些女性担心异族男性会认为黑人女性不美,或者担心他们的孩子可能“不够黑”。

8.One time, I'd told her that she should shut up about it, that large black women wore their fat pke mink coats.有一次我让她闭嘴,大个子的女黑人把胖当成一件貂皮大衣。

9.I think it's because, pke I said before, in many ways it's not clear that black men and black women are even friends anymore.我想那是因为,就像我刚说的,从很多方面来说,黑人男人和女人甚至无法再做朋友。

10.Stephanie Wilson is one of only a handful of black women to fly in space.斯蒂芬妮‧威尔逊是在太空中飞行的屈指可数的黑人妇女。