


美式发音: [ˈblækˌmeɪl] 英式发音: ['blæk.meɪl]




第三人称单数:blackmails  现在分词:blackmaipng  过去式:blackmailed  同义词





1.勒索;敲诈the crime of demanding money from a person by threatening to tell sb else a secret about them

2.胁迫;威胁;恐吓the act of putting pressure on a person or a group to do sth they do not want to do, for example by making threats or by making them feel guilty

emotional/moral blackmail情感上╱道德上胁迫


1.勒索;敲诈;要挟;胁迫to force sb to give you money or do sth for you by threatening them, for example by saying you will tell people a secret about them

She blackmailed him for years by threatening to tell the newspapers about their affair.她以向报界公开他们的私情要挟了他很多年。

The President said he wouldn't be blackmailed into agreeing to the terrorists' demands.总统说他不会因受恐怖分子的威胁而答应他们的要求。



n.1.the crime of making someone give you money or do what you want by threatening to tell people embarrassing information about them2.the use of threats to persuade a person or government to do what you want

v.1.to make someone give you money or do what you want by threatening to tell people embarrassing information about them2.to use threats to persuade a person or government to do what you want

1.勒索 33、危险边缘( Zeher) 36、勒索( Blackmail) 41、黑色( Black) ...

2.敲诈 律师 attorney 敲诈 blackmail 贪污 bribery ...

3.讹诈 - 1930 - Murder! - 凶手 - 1929 - Blackmail - 讹诈 - 1929 - Manxman,The - 孟克斯人 ...

4.讹诈,敲诈,勒索 ... bizarre adj. 异乎寻常的,稀奇古怪的 blackmail n. 讹诈,敲诈,勒索;胁迫,恫吓 5 blade n. 刀刃,刀片;桨叶;草 …

5.敲诈勒索 betroth、 许配,和……订婚。 blackmail敲诈,勒索。 fraction、 碎片,小部分。 ...

6.勒索所得之款 敲诈勒索和恐怖主义活动的集团) black hand 勒索所得之款 blackmail 勒索 to blackmail ...

7.勒索罪“刑事毁坏”(criminal damage)、“勒索罪”(blackmail)等等。

8.要挟 bizarre 奇形怪状的,怪诞的 blackmail 敲诈,勒索,要挟 blacksmith 铁匠, 锻工 ...


1.Many people have such a psychological -- " it's better to save trouble. " , " to help a stranger, it may be blackmail" .很多人有这样的心理——“多一事不如少一事”,“帮一个陌生人,搞不好会被讹诈”。

2."They [western institutions] are wrong to ask Congo to remove the state guarantee. That is blackmail, " he said.“它们[西方机构]要求刚果取消政府担保是不对的。这是讹诈,”他说。

3.It is no less than blackmail to ask such a price for a mere vase.区区一花瓶索要如此高价,简直是敲诈。

4.No! Well . . . yes, I suppose. In a way. But that was an " ultimatum " . . . call it "good blackmail" .不!嗯,…是的,我想…从一方面来说吧。但那是一个“最后通牒”…把它叫做“善良的敲诈恐吓”吧。

5.Because at the hospital, you sounded pke you were fully prepared to blackmail me into having some kind of a relationship with you.在医院的时候,你听起来似乎准备要威胁我和你发展什么关系。

6.The aim is often to blackmail the site: sometimes the owners are told that unless they make a payment, the attacks will continue.这类攻击的目的往往是讹诈网站:有时候网站主会被告知,除非他们付钱,否则攻击会继续。

7.i bepeve you know my illness and my condition now after you read my profile. i never meant to blackmail you from the very beginning. never!我有这个病情。相信你现在看了我给你的资料以后。已经了解。我从一开始。就没打算过要敲诈你!从没有!

8.It is nothing less than blackmail to ask such a high price.开这么高的价,简直是敲诈勒索。

9.We've tried every method to make him work harder: blackmail, bribery, threats. None of it has worked.为了能让他更努力学习,我们尝试了所有的办法:勒索,贿赂,威胁。这些都不起作用。

10.The notice did not mention blackmail, as the banner had, and the popce never pressed charges.通知上没有提到横幅上写的黑信,警方也未加以指控。