



美式发音: [ˈsɜrˌveɪ] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)veɪ]




第三人称单数:surveys  现在分词:surveying  过去式:surveyed  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.prepminary survey,recent survey,general survey,brief survey,annual survey

v.+n.conduct survey,make survey,do survey,survey area


v.look at,consider,peruse,examine,review





v.1.to ask a large number of people questions to find out their opinions2.to study something3.to examine an area of land in order to make a map of it; to examine an area of land in order to decide where buildings will go, or where the edges of someones property are4.to look at something, or to examine something; to examine something such as a building to see how good its condition is1.to ask a large number of people questions to find out their opinions2.to study something3.to examine an area of land in order to make a map of it; to examine an area of land in order to decide where buildings will go, or where the edges of someones property are4.to look at something, or to examine something; to examine something such as a building to see how good its condition is

n.1.a set of questions that you ask a large number of people or organizations2.an examination of an area of land in order to make a map of it3.a general examination of a subject or situation4.an examination of something to see how good its condition is1.a set of questions that you ask a large number of people or organizations2.an examination of an area of land in order to make a map of it3.a general examination of a subject or situation4.an examination of something to see how good its condition is

1.调查iagrams),情景分析法(scenario),调查法surveys),目标群体法(focus groups)以及成本—收益分析法(cost-benef…

4.考察 ... 垫睑板,用汤匙做成 pd plates,made from spoons 考察 surveys 调剂 accommodation ...

5.调查报告 Unit 6 Research and Design 研究设计 Unit 7 Surveys 调查报告 Unit 8 Budget 预算 ...

6.测量 surveillance( 监护) surveys( 测量) survival curves( 存活曲线) ...

7.测量图 * Gospels 葛法翁与福音 * Surveys 调查和挖掘工作 * Name 村子的命名 ...


1.Surveys suggest, he said, that about three-quarters of mainland China's fund managers had spent less than three years in the profession.他表示,调查显示,约四分之三的中国内地基金经理从业不到3年。

2.Mr. Kan's victory margin was surprisingly large after media surveys had, until the last minute, portrayed the race as too close to call.媒体调查直到最后时刻还显示这次选举结果难料,但菅直人却以惊人的优势胜出。

3.Results from population surveys in ten countries showed more than 60% of HIV-positive people did not know their HIV status.在十个国家所作的人口调查结果显示,超过60%的艾滋病毒阳性者并不了解其艾滋病毒状况。

4.Such information is usually collated using surveys, which are very expensive to carry out.这类数据通常通过调查采集得到,运作起来费用很高。

5.However, most of these sections are surveys that barely scratch the surface on any specific process or technique.然而,大多数章节仅仅是蜻蜓点水式的概观纵览了那些特定的处理方法和技术。

6.She said the ministry was not aware of any previous surveys of the foreign population in the North Korean capital.她说,据该部了解,此前并未有过任何有关平壤外国人口的调查。

7.Social surveys must be conducted within the framework of research ethics, a subject to which China has not given due emphasis.社会调查必须在研究伦理的框架之内进行,这一点在中国尚未受到应有的重视。

8.The turnaround is something of an upset, since Japanese cars dominated most of the previous decade in repabipty surveys.的好转是一个破坏,因为日本车为主的大多数在过去十年中在可靠性调查。

9.Surveys suggest that it consists of at least 240m tonnes at a purity of 2. 3%, which would make it a world-class deposit.勘测表明它包括至少240百万吨纯度2.3%的铜,这将使其成为一座世界级的铜矿。

10.Analysts say stabipty in the housing sector is key to any recovery in the U. S. economy, which independent surveys say is in recession.分析师表示,房屋市场的稳定是美国经济复苏的关键,独立的调查报告称美国经济已陷入衰退。