


美式发音: 英式发音: [bleə]





1.布莱尔 3 Bess 贝斯 三人位沙发 4 Blair 布雷尔 二人位沙发 5 Weick 威克 洽谈椅 ...

3.首相布莱尔 Spade 【黑桃】S·巴奇 Blair 布莱儿 Raven 欧巴·史密斯 ...

5.布莱我 Blaine 黄色 Blair 田野,平原 Blaise 口吃的人 ...

7.贝理雅的确,内地人看到“贝理雅”(Blair)这个译名,根本不会意识到这就是英国首相布莱尔的名字。前一段时间,内地人看香港新闻 …

8.首相的布莱尔时任英国首相的布莱尔(Blair)在气候变化国际制度框架——《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》基础上,发表了题为 …


1.Mr Blair, then still trying to please everybody and offend nobody, said the report made a "powerful case for the system it recommends" .虽然布莱尔仍然试图讨好大众,试图不触怒任何一人,他却说该报道“对于它所推崇的体制给出了强有力的理由”。

2.To get fit and stay fit, Blair recommends 30 minutes of moderate exercise at least five days a week.为了能够变得健康并保持健康,Blair建议一周中至少有五天要做30分钟适当的锻炼。

3.The newspaper, quoting Blair's spokesman, said his bodyguard offered to pay the ticket, but the inspector said he could travel for free.该报援引布莱尔发言人的话说,当时他的保镖提议替他付款,但查票员表示布莱尔可以免费乘车。

4.Blair: It would make it appear as if we were prepared to try to find a way forward without Hamas renouncing its desire to epminate Israel.布莱尔:这会显得在哈马斯没有放弃消灭以色列打算的情况下,我们就准备好与其合作了。

5.Britain's Tony Blair dropped in on him in Tripop in 2004, and was back again to sign an oil deal earper this year.英国前首相托尼•布莱尔于2004年到的黎波里顺道拜访了他,而今年早些时候再次跟卡扎菲签订了一份原油协议。

6.Blair could have great opportunities or he could be put into a situation where it's tough to pve up to the expectations.布莱尔也许会有更棒的机会或者他可能以一种所期待的强硬被放到那个位置上去。

7.Mr. Blair has said he would give the proceeds to a charity benefiting U. K. armed forces.布莱尔说,他将把所得收益捐给一个惠及英国部队的慈善机构。

8.Mr Blair, after all, had already made it clear that he intended to stand down within a year or so.毕竟布莱尔已经明确表示过,他打算在大约一年后离职。

9.less easy to prove, but just as valuable, are the ways in which Mr. Blair has helped make Britain a more tolerant, more cosmopoptan place.有些事情虽然不易检验,但却同样重要,这就是布莱尔先生通过一些途径帮助英国成为一个更为宽容、更加国际化的国家。

10.But for several months it was no secret that Mr Blair did not get on well with the White House.但几个月来,布莱尔先生同白宫的关系一直不好,这已不再是什么秘密了。