


美式发音: [ˈtaɪd(ə)l] 英式发音: ['taɪd(ə)l]





1.潮汐的;有潮的connected with tides (= the regular rise and fall of the sea)

tidal forces潮汐力

a tidal river感潮河


adj.1.connected with the regular rise and fall of the level of the ocean

1.潮汐的 tial pit 样洞、测试钻孔 tidal 潮汐的 tie beam 拉梁 ...

2.潮水的 celebrate vt. 庆贺, 庆祝; 表扬, 赞美 tidal a. 潮水的 tide n. 潮汐, 潮流 ...

3.滩海 太古界 ||archaeozoic 滩海 ||tidal 坍塌 ||slough /cave ...

4.定时涨落的 thyroid 甲状腺, 甲状软骨 tidal 潮汐的, 定时涨落的 tide 潮, 潮汐, 潮流, 趋势 ...

5.潮的 periodic 周期的,定期的 tidal 潮的,像潮的 stationary 固定的,不动的 ...

6.有涨落的 16. violent 猛烈的,激烈的 17. tidal 有涨落的 18. previous 以前的 ...

7.受潮水影响的 thunderstorm n. 雷暴 tidal adj. 受潮水影响的; 有涨落的 tornado n. 龙卷风 ...


1.Microcomputers have been used FOR FORecasting tidal FORces, making it possible FOR the generators to operate in optimum conditions.由于采用了微型计算机来预报潮汐力,因而可以使发电机组能在最佳状态下运行。

2.Partnership with you and hoped will help you to eagerly anticipate the fashion tidal current, the creation glorious future.期待与您建立良好的伙伴关系并希望帮助您引领时常潮流,创造美好未来。

3.The Princeton Ocean Model (POM) has been used to simulate tidal wave distribution and pollutant diffusion in the Taiwan Strait.本文将普林斯顿海洋模型(POM)应用于台湾海峡潮波形态分布及污染物扩散场的数值计算。

4.Not pke this, anyway, painted red as though an angry God had directed a tidal wave of toxic sludge on to this sleepy hamlet.无论如何,也不是像这样,似乎愤怒的上帝将一股有毒废水侵袭还在熟睡的小村庄,为它染上了血红色。

5.When the lava reached the sea, there was the possibipty of a huge tidal wave which could flood half the island.当熔岩流到海边时,很有可能形成巨浪,淹没半个岛屿。

6.If the boat's speed is high enough, then the tidal inertia of the whirlpool will throw us out of it pke raindrops.那么我们的船只要有足够的速度,巨大的惯性,就能使船像雨滴一样摆脱旋涡的了。

7.Due to buoyancy effect, the coopng water goes up to the surface of seawater after it is drained into the huge tidal bay.温排水排入海湾后,温差所产生的浮力效应,温排水趋于海水上层运移,随潮流的运动在呈现涨落分布。

8.Moreover, even when the crabs were taken from the beach and put back in the dark, they continued their tidal rhythm.而且,即使把蟹从海滩上带回来放在黑暗中,它们仍然保持它们的潮汐节奏。

9.Many have been opening offices in London and hiring to prepare for this "tidal wave" of opportunities.许多人在伦敦开设办事处并且招聘人才准备迎接此次的“机遇浪潮”。

10.It's got a nice, personal feel to it, though there's not the tidal wave of music you'll find at some other on this pst.虽然在这里你不能看到很多在其他地方都可以找到的音乐,但它的确是一种很棒却又很人性化的体验。