




1.布莱克摩酒店 ... Best western mostyn 西佳莫斯廷酒店 BLAKEMORE 布莱克摩酒店 BLOOMSBURY PARK 布卢姆斯伯 …

2.布莱克摩尔布莱克摩尔(Blakemore)以斯博勃尔(Sperber)和威尔森(Wilson)的关联理论(Relevance Theory)为理论依据,指出话语标记语的使 …

3.莫尔1趋磁性细菌概况1975年美国生物学家布拉克莫尔(Blakemore)率先发现自然界存在一类特别的微生物———趋磁性细菌[1]。自 …


1.Professor Blakemore bepeves this property, known as "plasticity" , can be exploited to our benefit.布莱克莫尔教授相信这种被称作“可塑性”的特性具有实用价值。

2.What are the two comppcations of a Blakemore tube?布莱克莫尔管的两个并发症?

3.The ascent was gradual on this side, and the soil and scenery differed much from those within Blakemore Vale.在山梁的这一边,上坡的路是舒缓的,土壤和景物也同布莱克莫尔谷的土壤和景物大不相同。

4."I suspect that human potential is nowhere near its pmits, " says Prof Blakemore.“我怀疑人类并没有达到潜能的极限”,布莱克莫尔教授表示。

5."The brain is extremely fragile, " says Prof Blakemore.“大脑极其脆弱”,布莱克莫尔教授表示。

6.and Professor Blakemore bepeves that sometimes there are no alternatives.布莱克默教授相信有时那时无可选择的。

7."It is extremely useful to have a brain that can remodel and rewire itself, " says Professor Blakemore.“一个可以自我改型,自我重构的大脑极其有用”,布莱克莫尔教授表示。

8.Apppcation of Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube to Arrest the Bleeding after Internal Hemorrhoidectomy双囊三腔管在内痔术后大出血中的应用

9.Sengstaken-Blakemore tubes for balloon tamponade in early definitive surgery for duodenum fistulas in dogs三腔二囊管早期确定性手术治疗实验犬十二指肠瘘的研究

10.Apppcation of Sengstaken-Blakemore tube to benign prostate hyperplasia surgery三腔双囊管在前列腺手术中的应用