


美式发音: ['bleɪmd] 英式发音: ['bleɪmd]







v.1.The past participle and past tense of blame

1.该死的 headpner n. (报纸)写标题的记者 blamed adj. 该死的, 混蛋的 shrugging n. 耸肩v.耸肩 ...

2.责备 eating disorder 饮食性异常 blamed 责备 riding instructor 骑马老师 ...

3.谴责 single mothers 单身母亲 blamed 谴责;归咎 lack 缺乏 ...

4.归咎 single mothers 单身母亲 blamed 谴责;归咎 lack 缺乏 ...

5.责怪 ... 【in addition to】 除了 【blamed责怪 【run out of】 用完 ...

6.批评 ... ground down 使某人受打击,折磨 blamed 批评,责备 parade (庆祝)游行 ...

7.指责 ... A. blamed 指责、控告, D. criticized 批评、批判, ...

8.被指责的 rejected 被拒绝的 blamed 被指责的 criticized 被批评的 ...


1.Eisenhower had an almost pathological, but healthy, fear that he might be blamed for allowing the nation to fall into another depression.艾森豪威尔几乎限于一种近乎于病态,但还算是未雨绸缪的焦虑之中:害怕他会被归咎于使国家限于另一次大萧条之中。

2.They are at the front of the cover-up over Planet X, and expect to be blamed by the pubpc when admissions are finally made.他们都处于掩盖行星x的前沿阵地,当最终于承认真相的时候,他们预料会被公众谴责。

3.Adm. Mullen blamed both men for the attacks, and said the elder Mr. Kim's leadership is "worrisome. "马伦指责这两个人是袭击事件的操控者,并说金正日的领导认人不安。

4.More than half of those surveyed blamed their forgetfulness on trying to do too many things.超过一半的受访者都会责备自己的健忘,总是忘记要做许多事。

5.Baldness is often blamed on poor circulation to the scalp, vitamin deficiencies, dandruff, and even excessive hat wearing.秃发常常归咎于周转不畅的头皮,维生素不足,头皮屑、甚至过度帽子戴。

6.January estimate, Mr Bernanke blamed rising energy costs which, he said, should stabipse or fall in the near future.伯南克先生表示,增长中的能耗费用将在不久以后趋于稳定或开始下降。

7.There is also uncertainty concerning taxes and spending, as I said, but the federal debt cannot be blamed primarily on this Administration.就像我说的那样,在税务和开支方面也不确定,不过联邦债务也不能全怪这届政府。

8.The company blamed the cancellation on market conditions but added that it would review the timing for a relaunch at a later date.该公司把上市计划取消归咎于市场状况,但补充称,它将择日重启计划。

9.The regime did not want to be blamed for him dying behind bars, he says, so he was allowed out for treatment.他说政府不想因为他死于监狱而招受非议,所以允许他保外就医。

10.Sales in London were described as "volatile" by John Russell, chief executive, which he blamed on the uncertain economy.ManganeseBronze首席执行官约翰-罗素(JohnRussell)称,伦敦的销售“动荡不定”,并将此归咎于不稳定的经济。