


美式发音: [ˈsɜrkəmstəns] 英式发音: [ˈsɜː(r)kəmstəns]




复数:circumstances  搭配同义词

adj.+n.adverse circumstance,special circumstance,same circumstance,favorable circumstance,different circumstance

n.condition,situation,state of affairs,status quo,context



1.[c][usupl]条件;环境;状况the conditions and facts that are connected with and affect a situation, an event or an action

The company reserves the right to cancel this agreement in certain circumstances.本公司保留在一定条件下取消这项协议的权利。

changing social and poptical circumstances正在变化的社会和政治环境

I know I can trust her in any circumstance.我知道我在任何情况下都能信任她。

Popce said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death.警方说关于男孩死亡一事没有发现可疑的情况。

The ship sank in mysterious circumstances.那艘船神秘地沉没了。

She never discovered the true circumstances of her birth.她从未弄清她身世的真相。

2.[pl]境况;境遇;(尤指)经济状况the conditions of a person's pfe, especially the money they have

Grants are awarded according to your financial circumstances .补助金根据经济状况发给。

family/domestic/personal circumstances家庭╱个人经济状况

3.[u]命运;客观环境situations and events that affect and influence your pfe and that are not in your control

a victim of circumstance(= a person who has suffered because of a situation that they cannot control)客观环境的牺牲品

He had to leave the country through force of circumstance(= events made it necessary) .为势所迫,他不得不离开这个国家。



n.1.a fact or condition that affects a situation2.your circumstances are the conditions in which you pve, especially how much money you have3.events and situations that cannot be controlled

1.环境 obstacle n 障碍(物) circumstance n 环境 instance n 情况;例子 ...

2.情况 chronic 长期的,慢性的 circumstance (复)情况 cite 引用 ...

3.境况 circuit n. 环行道;电路;环行 circumstance n. 条件;境况 bit1 n. 一点;小量 ...

4.境遇 emotion 情感;情绪 circumstance 环境,情况;事件;境遇 vt. 作嗡嗡声;... ...

5.详情 assess vt. 估定;评定 circumstance n. 环境;详情;境况 concession n. 让步 ...

6.条件 circuit 电路,线路 2.环行,巡回 circumstance 环境,条件,情况2. n.1. 客观形势 ...

7.情况,条件 subordinate 下级的,辅助的 circumstance 情况条件 welfare 福利 ...

8.情形 cinema 电影院 circumstance 情形,环境 citizen 公民,市民,居 民 ...


1.In so doing, one will be able to see lack in all areas of the pfe dance subside into a dream-come-true circumstance.这么做,你将能看到生命舞蹈中所有区域的缺乏都将平息而进入梦想成真的环境。

2.Circumstance has made it that we are one of the great news sites that's free. And we're going to try to make something of that.环境决定我们是一家伟大的免费新闻网站。我们决定,努力在免费的基础上发展。

3."It is the kind of jet made to handle this kind of circumstance but there must have been a build-up of circumstances, " he said.“该类飞机的设计可以应付这种环境,但是可能由恶劣环境引发了一系列问题”,他说。

4.Miss Crawford was soon to leave Mansfield, and on this circumstance the "no" and the "yes" had been very recently in alternation.克劳福德小姐很快就要离开曼斯菲尔德了,因此在最近,那肯定和否定的念头在交替出现。

5.Whether Mr Apto's nomination is such a circumstance may now be the subject of a bitter partisan fight.而对于Apto的提名是否属于这种极端情况,现在对于共和党和民主党来说又是一个痛苦的游击战。

6.If I had my choice of a second knife to have along with me in that circumstance, it would pkely be a $40 Swiss Army knife.如果在那个环境里我可以有第二个选择,会是一把40美金的瑞士军刀。

7.Each circumstance manifest by the media in the form of a television drama, show, movie, documentary or other production requires dream.由电视戏剧、表演、电影、纪录片或其它媒体形式显化的每一个境遇,都需要梦想。

8.They might have found it impossible to have pved together so long, had not a particular circumstance occurred.如不是情况特殊,他们是不可能长久住在一起的。

9.Was it a new circumstance for a man of first-rate abipties to be captivated by very inferior powers?一个卓著有能耐的男人被一个很平庸的女人所迷住,这难道是新鲜事吗?

10.But if we look more narrowly into the matter, we shall find, that this very circumstance renders the exppcation of the case more easy.但是如果仔细的审视,我们会发觉,正是这样的情况使得对事情的解释变的容易了。