




1.布兰克 法国),德约卡夫( Djorkaeff, 法国),布兰科Blanc, 法国),洛高( Loko, ...

4.布朗克这称为布朗克Blanc)规则。 二、羧酸衍生物的化学性质 1.亲核取代反应 这是羧酸衍生物的转换反应。

5.白色情迷  红白兰之白色情迷Blanc) Movie-185 ★★★★   红色警戒(The Thin Red Line)A Movie-053 ★★★★   蝴蝶效应(The Butterfly Eff…

6.法国勃朗峰勃朗地板诞生于1998年,品牌源自阿尔卑斯山主峰,欧洲最高峰——法国勃朗峰(Blanc)。 保持尊贵品质和传播浪漫主义是勃朗 …


1.When Patrick Blanc was a boy, he suspended plants from his bedroom wall and ran their roots into a fish tank.帕特里克·白朗还是个孩子的时候,就在自己睡房的墙上吊挂了植物,把植物的根泡进鱼缸。

2."[Patron John] Elkann was right when he said a season can only be evaluated at the end, " continued Blanc.“约翰。埃尔坎是正确的。他说过只有在最后阶段才可以对赛季成绩进行评估,”他继续说到。

3.Meg wanted me to bring some of her blanc mange, she makes it very nicely, and Beth thought her cats would be comforting.梅格要我送上她做的牛奶冻,她做得好极了。贝思认为她的小猫咪可以安慰你。

4.Blanc Marielle lost two children, her home and her job as a seamstress. She now sleeps outside with the rest of her family.马利埃尔在地震中失去了两个孩子,她做裁缝为生,现在她只能和家里其他人睡在外边。

5.Three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . Brother shisan said he is now doing business work. Buy a Mont Blanc pen for him, super match.四、五、六、七、八…十三哥说他在做业务的工作,买支万宝龙笔送给他,超搭的。

6."He paid a very heavy price at the end of a game in which we got thumped more than they did, " continued President Blanc.“他在比赛的最后时刻付出了沉重的代价,当时我们的表现比对手出色。”尤文主席继续说到。

7.Le Blanc's Friends co-star Matthew Perry was unable to attend as he is performing in a West End play.乐白的朋友合作,明星马修佩里未能出席,因为他是表演,在伦敦西区的作用。

8.Hours earper, I'd looked up from Chamonix's main street to see Mont Blanc, the Alps' tallest mountain, shrouded in mist.就在几个小时前,我站在坎姆尼克斯的主要大街上,仰望云雾环绕中的阿尔卑斯山最高峰——勃朗峰。

9.But one of the best-documented "true" stories is that of Memmie le Blanc, the savage girl of Champagne.但法国香槟地区的野女孩梅米·勒勃朗的经历,可说是记载最为详细的“真实”故事之一。

10.Over the years, more than 1, 000 people have lost their pves trying to scale the icy slopes of Mont Blanc.多年来,有一千多人试图攀上白朗峰那冰封的山坡,但都赔上了自己的性命。