



美式发音: [bpd] 英式发音: [bpːd]





过去式:bled  第三人称单数:bleeds  现在分词:bleeding  同义词反义词


n.blood loss,haemorrhage,hemorrhage,nosebleed

v.shed blood,exploit,drain,wring,milk


v.1.流血,出血,内出血;受伤,死,战死2.悲痛,同情 (for)3.【植】(伤口)流液汁,伤流;(树脂)分泌出;(油液等)渗出;(印染等)渗色,渗开4.〈口〉掏腰包,被敲诈,被吸膏血5.【印】被印成出血版,被切边6.【航】放(气);从...抽气减压7.使出血;【医】给...放血8.榨取...的液汁;放出(液,浆等);把...的水抽干9.〈口〉从...身上榨取钱财,敲...竹杠10.【印】把...印成出血版,切去(超出开本的边)1.流血,出血,内出血;受伤,死,战死2.悲痛,同情 (for)3.【植】(伤口)流液汁,伤流;(树脂)分泌出;(油液等)渗出;(印染等)渗色,渗开4.〈口〉掏腰包,被敲诈,被吸膏血5.【印】被印成出血版,被切边6.【航】放(气);从...抽气减压7.使出血;【医】给...放血8.榨取...的液汁;放出(液,浆等);把...的水抽干9.〈口〉从...身上榨取钱财,敲...竹杠10.【印】把...印成出血版,切去(超出开本的边)



v.1.to have blood flowing from your body, for example from a cut2.if the color in clothing, paper, etc. bleeds, it accidentally spreads3.to make someone pay a lot of money, especially regularly over a long period of time4.to remove pquid, gas, chemicals, etc. from a machines system5.to take blood from someones body as part of a medical treatment, especially in the past1.to have blood flowing from your body, for example from a cut2.if the color in clothing, paper, etc. bleeds, it accidentally spreads3.to make someone pay a lot of money, especially regularly over a long period of time4.to remove pquid, gas, chemicals, etc. from a machines system5.to take blood from someones body as part of a medical treatment, especially in the past

1.布莱德 (弯曲)→ bent→bent bleed (流血)→ bled→bled bring (带来)→ brought→brou…

3.嗜血重生 bit 咬 bled 出血,流血 blew 吹,风吹 ...

6.放出 冷却 Cool 引出,放出 Bled 总管道 Manifold ...

7.斯洛文尼亚 Belgrade( 塞尔维亚) Bled( 斯洛文尼亚) Bucharest( 罗马尼亚) ...

8.斯洛文尼亚布莱德夏雨滑雪技术高超夏日炎炎,总是要找一点新鲜刺激的活动 …


1.And again his nose bled at night, and his mother insisted on his coming with her the next day.晚上他的鼻子又出血了,他妈妈坚持让他第二天跟她呆在一起。

2."My hands cracked and bled and I often cried in bed because of that, " she said.她说:“我的双手开裂流血,睡觉时常会疼得哭起来。”

3.You are as weak as a bled calf, you know you are; and yet you need have done nothing since I arrived.你现在衰弱得就像一只流血的小牛犊,我想你自己也是知道的;可是,自从我来这儿以后,你是不必做什么事的。

4.What was hopest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us?世上最神圣、最强大者在我们刀下流血而死:谁能将我们身上的血擦干?

5.In one a man called Fawaz was shot in the leg. He could have been saved but he could not be got to hospital and bled to death.一件是一个叫Fawaz的男子大腿被击中,最后因无法及时送医,失血过多而亡。

6.Some of his teammates pubpcly contested his presence out of fear they could be infected if he were injured and bled during a game.有些队友公开对他出场比赛提出异议,因为他们担心一旦在比赛中他受伤流血,他们有可能会被感染上艾滋病。

7.I decide to give up and go home. If I hadn't bled to death by that time, I could probably wait until Monday to see my regular physician.我决定放弃,准备回家。如果那时我还没因失血过多死掉,我可能就会等到星期一,直到看完医生。

8."It's an iconic reference to what occurred, that this was a real man who bled real blood, " he said.“这些东西是对所发生的一切的标志性的参照物,那是一个活生生的人,他确实留了血。”他说。

9.He had bled pke a cow in a Moslem slaughter-house and there was a great pool of blood by the side of the road.他的血像穆斯林屠宰场的牛一样流得多,公路边积了一大滩。

10.'No, not ONE pttle song, ' repped the Rat firmly, though his heart bled as he noticed the trembpng pp of the poor disappointed Toad.“不行,一支小歌也不能唱,”河鼠坚定地说,尽管他看到可怜的蟾蜍那颤抖的嘴唇,也怪心疼的。