

bless you

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na.1网站屏蔽ed when you want to thank someone2网站屏蔽ed when someone has sneezed

1.祝福你 After you 您先 Bless you 祝福你 I promise 我保证 ...

2.保佑你 1.Best Wishes 最好的祝福 2.Bless YOU 保佑你 3.Charity 仁爱 ...

3.保重 Ah choo. Excuse me 对不起 Bless you . 保重 Are you sick? 你生病了吗…

4.神坛会保佑大家的 Iced Out- 糖衣裹体 Bless You- 神坛会保佑大家的! Spce of Life- 生命的点点滴滴 ...

5.上帝保佑 ... 谢谢你 Thank you,Charpe. 愿神佑你 Bless you. 好 看看是谁找到的 All right,let’s see who found it. ...

7.多保重 Let's check.( 试试表。) Bless you.( 多保重。) I broke my leg.( 我腿骨折了。) ...


1.Let the sea tide accompany me to bless you, please do not forget that I am forever invariable the yellow the face.让海潮伴我来保佑你,请别忘记我永远不变黄色的脸。

2.Even if your father will Send you to the train tomorrow. I also will be the next to look at you silently bless you . . .即便你的父亲明天去送你上火车。我也会在旁边默默的看着你祝…

3.In a soft, clear voice he said, "Thank you, Miss. And bless you for your kind gestures. "在软,清晰的声音,他说:“谢谢你,小姐和祝福你的善良你的手势。”

4.Bless you for your dedication to the Love and Light that you all are, and may your path be lead you to the happiness you seek.祝福你们对光与爱的奉献,并且你们就是(光与爱),你们的道路将引导你们到达所寻求的幸福。

5.And behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem. And he said to the reapers, "The LORD be with you! " And they answered, "The LORD bless you. "波阿斯正从伯利恒来,对收割的人说:「愿耶和华与你们同在!」他们回答说:「愿耶和华赐福与你!」

6.If you block a sneeze, you may not be able to hear your much deserved "God bless you. "如果你克制打喷嚏,你可能不会听到你打了喷嚏会得到的这样一句话:“上帝保佑你。”

7." God bless you , Captain Frank , " came Rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died .“上帝保佑你,弗兰克船长,”火光熄灭,只听见黑暗中传来鲁帕特深沉的煞有介事的声音。

8.Sincerely, the thing what I can only do for you is bless you : Best wishes to you .由衷地,我能为你做的唯一的事就是为你祈祷:最好的祝愿全给你。

9.The four seasons, will put my colourful hand gently rub out with their heart, and a peaceful and happy 365 gift you and deeply bless you!将缤纷的四季,放在我轻柔的手心里,用它们搓揉出365份平静的快乐,赠与你并深深地祝福你!

10.In God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, the main character has a simple maxim: " God damn it, you've got to be kind. "在《上帝保佑你,罗斯维特先生》中,主人公有一句很简单的口头禅:“去他的,你得做好人!”