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复数:blogs  现在分词:blogging  过去式:blogged  



1.博客;网志a website where a person writes regularly about recent events or topics that interest them, usually with photos and links to other websites that they find interesting


1.[i]写博客;写网志to keep a blog



n.1.[Internet]a website that contains personal diaries or journals, or some particular subjects and comments

v.1.[Internet]to create or run a weblog

1.部落格 ... 生命电视 台中五方讲堂 部落格 blogged 2011 ...

2.极地战嚎 PIXNET::blogged iOS [破关全影片攻略] 100 PIXNET::blogged 极地战嚎 3 Call of Duty:Black Ops Ⅱ 决胜时刻:黑色行动2 4 ...


1.The campaign has been blogged about extensively, and is often held up as a model for creative ways to build a membership list.这项活动在博客上广泛转载,还经常被作为建立成员名单的创意典范。

2.CSRF (Cross Site Request Fogery) allows attackers to bypass cookie based authentication. I blogged about it a while ago.一个是CSRF(CrossSiteRequestForgery,跨站点伪造请求攻击),它允许攻击者绕过基于cookie的身份认证,前些天我曾在Blog上介绍过这种攻击。

3.About a year ago I blogged about Software Factories and the great response from people who were using them.大约一年前,我在博客上写了一篇文章介绍了软件工厂以及来自其用户的热烈反响。

4.But in July, the site had a p. r. crisis when a host blogged about a nightmarish experience with a destructive, pilfering guest.但是7月份的时候,网站有一次公关危机,一个房主在微博上提到遭遇房客洗劫带来的一次噩梦般的经历。

5.About a week ago, I blogged about Facebook opening up their CPC advertising via Facebook Flyers Pro.一个星期前,我在我的博客中提到,facebook通过他们的flyerpro平台提供CPC的广告。

6.I blogged for a while in graduate school and then stopped writing for the public for a while.我还在读研时,曾写过一段时间的博客,然后又有一段时间不再为公众写了。

7.Running as admin is a bad thing, as most of us know. Aaron Margosis has blogged extensively on this issue, and I won't rehash it here.大多数人都知道,作为admin运行不是一件好事,AaronMargosis对于这个问题在写了好几篇blog,我不想在这里从头开始讨论这个问题。

8.You've heard me blogged all year long about how the money is in the list.你已经听我在博客上唠叨了一整年,邮寄名单如何给博客带来效益。

9.In May you blogged about your decision to step down from the gwt-ext project due to the controversial licensing changes with ExtJS.五月份,你在博客上发表了一篇博文,谈到由于ExtJS有争议的许可变更,你退出了gwt-ext项目。

10.Asking questions is a great way to get people to open up, and I blogged about how to do that here.而问问题是很好的展开话题的方式,我也在这篇博文里有详细的说明。