




1.血液稀释剂房颤(atrial fibrillation)难以用药物控制,有些药物被使用着,包括血液稀释剂blood thinners),但可能会有严重的副作用 …

2.预先准备血液稀释剂例如,如果打算手术后坐飞机回来,就可以自己预先准备血液稀释剂(blood thinners)。如果事先没有准备而在当地购买,一瓶 …

3.薄血药薄血药Blood Thinners),是一种有助预防血液凝固的药物。血管紧张素II型受体阻滞剂 (Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers【A…

4.血剂若有服用薄血剂(blood thinners),服用前请先谘询医师或专业人士的意见。请放置于儿童无法拿取之处。


1.One obvious example is to consider administering blood thinners to women carrying multiple fetuses who are prescribed bed rest, he said.一个明显的例子为,对多胎妊娠卧床休息的妇女,可考虑给予血液稀释剂,以防止血栓形成,他说。

2.These supplements should only be taken together with blood thinners under the guidance and supervision of your doctor.因此,这些增补剂应该在医生指导和监督之下才能和血液稀释剂同时使用。

3.For this reason, patients are often treated with blood thinners to prevent these clots from forming.为此,该类患者经常要使用血液稀释剂(抗凝剂)来预防形成这种血栓。

4.Gender may need to be considered when deciding how long patients should be treated with blood thinners.在决定病人应当使用多久的血液稀释剂时,可能需要考虑一下病人的性别。

5.The race to develop new blood thinners is going into overdrive.开发新的血液稀释药竞争将会变得更加白热化。

6.Men with diabetes or those taking blood thinners or aspirin should be extra careful.男性糖尿病患者或服用血液稀释剂或阿司匹林的使用者应格外小心。

7.He was started on blood thinners and admitted to intensive care for monitoring.他开始进行血液稀释,并住进了重症监护病房。

8.Anticoagulants or blood thinners may be prescribed to prevent clots in the arteries.抗凝血剂或薄血药物可能用于动脉内血栓的预防。

9.Many may benefit from blood thinners when flying.当飞行时许多人可能得益于血稀释剂。

10.Of 30, 136 heart patients treated last year at 387 hospitals in the United States, 42 percent were given excessive doses of blood thinners .去年在美国387所医院接受治疗的30,136名心脏病患者中,42%的人被给予了过量的血液稀释剂。