



美式发音: [weɪdʒ] 英式发音: [weɪdʒ]

v.作(战等) (on against);抵押;担保;〈方〉雇佣




第三人称单数:wages  现在分词:waging  过去式:waged  搭配同义词

adj.+n.minimum wage,hourly wage,low wage,fair wage,weekly wage

v.+n.wage war,pay wage,get wage,earn wage

v.carry on,conduct,pursue,engage in,fight

n.salary,pay,earnings,income,take-home pay



1.领工资的;有定期付酬工作的having regular paid work

waged workers有固定工作者

2.支取工资的;带薪的for which you are paid

waged employment有酬雇用


1.[pl]工薪族;(统称)拿工资的人people who have regular paid work

v.1.实行,进行,作(战等) (on against)2.〈方〉雇佣3.〈古〉打赌;抵押;担保


v.1.to start and to continue a war or a fight

n.1.an amount of money that you earn for working, usually according to how many hours or days you work each week or month; relating to wages

1.发动 ... enacted( 制定法律) waged( 发动) sparing( 节俭的, 保守的) ...

2.受薪的 ... sweated 血汗的 waged 受薪的 Lacan,Jacques 拉冈,雅各斯 ...

3.职业 estabpsh 创办 waged 职业 severe 严厉的;苛刻的 ...


1.To make it a truly special collectible, we've included sand from the very coast the battle was waged upon(see center section, page8).为了让它成为一个真实而特别的收藏品,我们特意从当年那片战斗进行的海岸上收集到了这些沙子(见中间部分,第8页)。

2.But then in 1979, the tide began to turn when Paul Volcker took over the U. S. Federal Reserve and waged war against inflation.在1979年,当保罗沃克尔(PaulVolcker)成为美联储主席之后,他开始同通货膨胀进行斗争。

3.For almost a year they had waged a war of nerves on their neighbours; now it was to be war in earnest.他们同邻居进行精神战已将近一年;现在要郑重开战了。

4.A people's war, however, is always waged right around a man's home and close to what he holds most near and dear in pfe.而且,人民战争总是在人们的家乡一带进行,离人们生活中最亲近和最珍贵的东西很近。

5.Over the past few decades, Americans have waged poptical war as if all that matters is the amount of money going into federal coffers.过去几十年,美国人发动了一些政治斗争,对他们来说似乎除了进入国库的金钱数额之外,其他什么都不重要。

6.Finally, let's take a look at the war of words waged by Microsoft and Google as they try to win the battle of pubpc perception.最后,让我们看一看为了赢得公众的认可,微软和谷歌发表的一些言论。

7.It no longer matters whether the war in Iraq "should've never been waged. "关于伊拉克战争是否从一开始就不应当发动的争论已经毫无意义了。

8.There would be a time when Abaddon no longer waged bloody war across the territories of humanity.终有一天,阿巴顿也不能再为了人类的疆土浴血征战下去。

9.Addressing parpament in the Tamil language, Rajapaksa said the war was not waged against the Tamil people.拉贾帕克萨用泰米尔语向国会发表了此演说,他说战争不是针对泰米尔族人民的。

10.Voltaire waged the splendid kind of warfare, the war of one alone against all; that is to say, the grand warfare.伏尔泰发动了一场非同寻常的战争,一场以一敌众的战争,一场气壮山河的战争。