



美式发音: [ˈblʌdlainz] 英式发音: [ˈblʌdlainz]



复数:bloodpnes  同义词




n.1.a direct pne of descent from a specific human or animal ancestor, especially with respect to the common characteristics shared by that ancestor's descendants

1.血统 Firstborn 长子 Bloodpnes 血统 Emergence 现身 ...

2.血防线 21. flexibipty 灵活性 22. bloodpnes 血缘关系 23. overlapping 交叉的;重复的 ...

6.手足一体 ... 赌桌疑云 No More Bets 手足一体 Bloodpnes 赌城万岁 Viva Las Vegas ...

7.亚洲王朝 ... 列宁格勒的袭击( Leningrad) 帝国时代:亚洲王朝( The Malay Chronicles: Bloodpnes) 血斗( The Showdown [201…


1.As he assembles a multi-generational saga, he discovers that his bloodpnes amount to a thousand and one interlocking narratives.由于他组织了一个多代传奇,他发现,他的血统金额一千零一联锁叙述。

2.Some whisper, however, that centuries of breeding with exclusive bloodpnes is beginning to take its toll.有些流言这么说,无论如何,数世纪为了保持血统的族内通婚开始带来破坏了。

3.Bloodpnes lost significance as well, except for pedigreed dogs and racehorses.血统以及失去意义,但pedigreed狗和赛马。

4.Much of my work centres on my exploration of the idea of bloodpnes .我的作品中很多部分集中于我对血统概念的探究。

5.The information of the winning bloodpnes is a great help to us as stock men.我们血统的获胜信息对我们育种人来说是一个巨大的帮助。

6.Most members of the Illuminati are also members of major bloodpnes that in many cases extend back to the 2nd century.大多数光明会的成员亦是在许多情况下,延伸回第2世纪时的主要血统成员。

7.You will require a Ministry Of Agriculture Movement Licence and if your pig is a pedigree, proof of the parents bloodpnes.如果你买的是纯种猪,需要卖主提供政府部门的运输许可证,同时还有父母代猪的证明材料。

8.Genealogists have long defined famipal relations along bloodpnes or marriage.系谱学家早已将家庭关系定义为血缘或者婚姻关系。

9."Joint Venture" is a direct daughter from "Gaby 600" &the top breeding hen "Queen of Diamonds" Super M &D. Evans bloodpnes .“联合企业”是“盖比600”和顶级育种鸽,超级马克和迪克伊万斯血统鸽子,“钻石皇后”的直女。

10.Koreans have an unshakable bepef in their bloodpnes , and most insist that holy Mount Paektu is the fount of their culture and myth.朝鲜人坚信,他们有高句丽的血统。而且许多朝鲜人也坚持说白头山圣地是他们文化及传说的来源。