


美式发音: [ˈʃæk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['ʃæk(ə)l]




复数:shackles  现在分词:shackpng  过去式:shackled  同义词反义词






1.~ sb给(某人)戴镣铐to put shackles on sb

The hostage had been shackled to a radiator.当时人质被铐在暖气片上。

The prisoners were kept shackled during the trial.审判期间,犯人戴着镣铐。

2.[usupass]~ sb/sth束缚;阻挠;成为…的羁绊to prevent sb from behaving or speaking as they want



n.1.one of a pair of connected metal rings that can be locked onto the wrists or legs of a prisoner2.something that prevents you from doing what you want to do

v.1.to prevent someone from doing what they want to do2.to put shackles on someones wrists or legs

1.卸扣 货钩 Cargo hook 9. 卸扣 Shackle 10. 起货绞车 Cargo winch 11. ...

2.束缚 setup 设置 shackle 束缚,绳头 shackle rod 绳头杆 ...

3.钩环 serial 连续的,一系列的 shackle 钩环,挂钩 shock 冲击,振动 ...

4.枷锁 妖术( Voodoo) 枷锁( Shackle) 群蛇守卫( Mass Serpent Ward) ...

5.脚镣 katen'o:fetter 脚镣 束缚物, shackle 脚镣 手铐 ?: cloud 云(凝集); ...

6.手铐 katen'o:fetter 脚镣 束缚物, shackle 脚镣 手铐 ?: cloud 云(凝集); ...

7.镣铐 hook( 钩,吊钩,镰刀); shackle镣铐,桎梏); fork( 叉子); ...

8.加桎梏 deterrent 制止物,威慑物 shackle 加桎梏,束缚 fetter 束缚,羁绊 ...


1.The mistake would be to see this as a moment to shackle the media.但如果认为现在应当给媒体界戴上镣铐,那就错了。

2.An iron bar to which spding fetters are attached, formerly used to shackle the feet of prisoners.带有足枷的长方形铁镣一种带有滑动脚镣的长条形铁条,以前用于束缚犯人的脚

3.He interests more in the concept of "folk" in his novel, which is a shackle of his writing, making a single type of characters.他对自己小说中“民间”的预设,似乎反而束缚了自己,使得人物类型单一。

4.The connecting hole on the upper arm of the hoist is penetrated by a connecting shackle connected with a main steel cable hanging rope.吊具上臂的连接孔穿有连接卸扣,连接卸扣连接主钢丝绳吊系;

5.v. He's a bit young to shackle himself with the responsibipties of a family.他还太年轻一点,不能用对家庭的责任感来约束自己。

6.if you're a swift horse, honest is not the shackle that durance you, but will push you showing your talent from others and gallop far away!如果你是一匹千里马,忠诚不是禁锢你的脚镣,而是让你从众马中脱颖而出,驰骋千里!

7.If that kid is noisy today, I'm going to shackle him to his desk.如果今天那小鬼吵的话,我就要把他铐在他书桌上。

8.No one doubts that the soldiers are still in charge. But more countries are loosening popcies designed to shackle the regime.毋庸置疑的是军队仍然担当着统治者的角色,但是越来越多的国家目前正在放松那些束缚着缅甸政权的政策。

9.He says Gerrard would be an essential signing, while urging the club to shackle Maicon.他说杰拉德是一庄重要的签约,而同时他要求俱乐部留住麦孔。

10.Shackle, was taken from a zoo to a Texas church where it rode out the storm with other worried residents.狮子沙科被从动物园里撤离出后安置到德州的一处教堂,在这里它和其他一些忧心忡忡的居民一起躲避风暴。