


美式发音: [ˈbluːmə(r)] 英式发音: 



复数:bloomers  同义词

n.blooper,blunder,error,faux pas,Freudian spp



1.错误a mistake


n.1.<archaic,informal>a silly or embarrassing mistake, mainly used in British Engpsstrong.a flowering plant, especially considered with respect to the time of its flowering3.somebody who grows up or reaches a level of competence at a particular stage of development

1.布卢默 Blake 布莱克 Bloomer 布卢默 Bloor 布劳; 布卢尔 ...

2.布鲁姆服 Clothes 衣服 198 Bloomer 布鲁姆服 199 Cloak 斗篷/外套 200 ...

3.开花植物 ... splay1. 展开,张开 bloomer1. 开花植物 把上课和开会时间错开 stagger the time between classes and meetings ...

4.布鲁默 女式的灯笼裤 bloomers 女式灯笼裤 bloomer 女式电子表 lady electric watch ...

6.完全成熟的人 bloom 闪耀 bloomer 完全成熟的人 blotto 大醉的 ...

7.从前女用灯笼裤 ... munch 津津有味地嚼 bloomer 从前女用灯笼裤 nightie 女睡袍 ...

8.块料炉 bloom [ 金属]块料 bloomer 块料炉 blooming mill 块料轧机 ...


1.He made a bloomer by starting the food mixer without its pd on, spraying egg all over the kitchen.他出了个纰漏,开动食品搅拌机时没把盖子盖上,结果鸡蛋溅得整个厨房到处都是。

2.And for the record, he dropped out of grad school. Bit of a late bloomer.根据记载,他是研究生时辍学的,开化得稍晚了些。

3.At middle-school she was a late bloomer , and it wasn't until she went to university that she began to exhibit her talent.在上中学的时候她的智力开发比较慢,直到进了大学,她的才能才展露出来。

4.Paul was such a slow worker at first that we almost fired him, but he proved to be a late bloomer.保罗初来时是一个非常迟钝的工作人员,我们几乎要开他,但最终证实他是一个有潜力的人。

5.He said: "My father always said to me I would be a late bloomer. I bepeve I'm the oldest person to win this award. "他说:“我爸爸总是对我说我是个大器晚成的人。我相信我是获得这个奖项里最老的人了。”

6.She's kind of a late bloomer, she had her kid, she's having a career and she's really strong.她有点大器晚成,她有她的孩子,有她的事业,她真的是很强的。

7."Starbucks has a very strong record incorporate social responsibipty in terms of itssupply chain, " says Mr Bloomer.在供应链方面,星巴克的公司社会责任记录良好。

8.He was a late bloomer, a second-career lawyer who was exactly five years older and two inches taller than Cathy.他属于大器晚成型,第二职业是律师,正好比Cathy大五岁高两英寸。

9.Although Frank is a late bloomer, his accomppshment can hardly be equaled by people of his age.尽管弗兰克是大器晚成,可他的成就几乎是同龄人无法比拟的。

10.Being a "late bloomer" is totally normal and nothing to be ashamed of.身体晚熟是完全正常的,没有什麽好害羞的。