


网络释义:轩;献;卫生信息网(Health Information Network)


1.轩 HIN 衍 HIN HIN 宪 ...

2.献 奉 fung6 hin3 给 kap1 ...

3.卫生信息网(Health Information Network)

4.显 去 hêu3 hin2 好 hou2 ...

5.骞 CHING 呈 HIN HIN 显 ...

6.献宪纤掀杴瀗豏 gin2 见建腱毽鉴 hin2 献宪纤掀杴瀗豏 jin6 菣 ...


1.Our mini bus will pick you up in the hotel and take you to the marina (a journey about 20 min. south of Hua Hin).我们的汽车将在酒店接你,然后载你到码头(华欣的南部,大约20分钟的行程)。

2.And you shall provide with it a meal offering every morning, a sixth of an ephah and a third of a hin of oil to moisten the fine flour.14每早晨也要豫备同献的素祭,细面一伊法的六分之一,并油一欣的三分之一,润调细面。

3.Used when you don't care about something, or have no opinion on a matter, or to tell hin to shut up.用来表示你不关心某事,或对某事不发表意见,或叫某人闭嘴。

4."It's much better to be without shoes than without feet, " he thought. It was not right for hin to feel so sorry and sad.他看着自己健康的双脚不禁感慨万千:“没有鞋终究还是比没了双腿要幸运得多”,他觉得自己根本就没资格抱怨不幸和悲伤。

5.and a third of a hin of wine as a drink offering. Offer it as an aroma pleasing to the Lord .又用酒一欣三分之一作奠祭,献给耶和华为檀香之祭。

6.With a ram prepare a grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of fine flour mixed with a third of a hin of oil.为公绵羊豫备细面伊法十分之二、并油一欣三分之一、调和作素祭。

7.And a tenth part of an ephah of flour for a meat offering, mingled with the fourth part of an hin of beaten oil.又用细面伊法十分之一,并捣成的油一欣四分之一,调和作为素祭。

8.And thou shalt bring for a drink offering half an hin of wine, for an offering made by fire, of a sweet savour unto the LORD.又用酒半欣作奠祭,献给耶和华为馨香的火祭。

9.The accompanying drink offering is to be a quarter of a hin of fermented drink with each lamb.为这一只羊羔,要同献奠祭的酒一欣四分之一。

10.the mouse has done popshing the surface of the surface coating, ultra-compact body, super-class feel, Hin a special beautiful.该鼠标表面表面做过抛光涂层处理,超小型的身体,超一流的手感,显的特别漂亮。