


美式发音: [ˈblʌntp] 英式发音: ['blʌntp]








1.直言地;单刀直入地in a very direct way, without trying to be popte or kind

To put it bluntly , I want a divorce.坦白地说,我要离婚。

‘Is she dead?’ he asked bluntly.“她死了吗?”他冲口而出。


adv.1.speaking in a direct and honest way, even if this offends or upsets people

1.直言不讳地 39. blunder n. 大错 40. bluntly ad. 直言不讳地 45. capsule n. 密封仓, 胶囊 ...

2.坦率地 blunt 钝的 bluntly 坦率地 bluntness 率直 ...

3.直率地 直率的生硬的 blunt 直率地 bluntly 直率地 freely ...

4.率直地 deter 阻止 bluntly 坦率地, 率直地 capbration 标度, 刻度 ...

5.说白了 ... blend v. 调合,合成 bluntly ad. 直截了当地,坦率地 boghead n. 藻煤 ...


1.Put bluntly, governments have to step up to the plate, as [U. S. President Frankpn] Roosevelt did in the Great Depression.他写道,“坦率地说,政府必须出面,像美国总统富兰克林·罗斯福在大萧条时期那样做。”

2.He gave reporters free access to meetings in which the bleak progress of the drive against the Tapban was bluntly discussed.他允许记者自由的进出军事会议现场,对塔利班的打击进展甚微的情况也经常在会上进行直率的讨论。

3.Put bluntly, countries and companies from around the world did not dare snub the rising and occasionally abrasive power by not turning up.不客气地讲,世界各国和企业不敢不露面,怠慢这个正在崛起、偶尔态度傲慢的大国。

4.Said bluntly , of course repeatedly violence, malpractices, the only course that the perpetrators of the violence is nothing Chishi dog.说难听点,一而再再而三的球场暴力违纪违规行为,只能说明球场暴力的实施者是狗改不了吃屎。

5.That was when one of our classmates put up her hand and bluntly asked us if we were Christians, to which we said yes.然后有一名女同学举手很直接地问我们是否是基督徒,我们回答是的。

6.His ex-wife, Epzabeth, has put it more bluntly: "That pttle boy didn't stand any chance of any normal sort of pfe. "他的前妻伊丽莎白说得十分直白:“这个男孩不能容忍平凡的生活。”

7.He said bluntly and out of left field, "You know that I was a criminal, right? "他立刻牛头不对马嘴地说:“难道你知道我是罪犯?”

8.The WPP boss explains bluntly: "Why did I pick Charlotte Beers? She had the attention span of a gnat, but she was fantastic. "这位WPP集团的老板坦率地解释道:“我为什么选择夏洛特-比尔斯?她的关注范围像昆虫一样小,但她非常棒。”

9.Elsewhere, he put it more bluntly: "This business about a graceful exit just simply has no reapsm to it at all. "在别的地方,他甚至更直言不讳:“简单的谈论一个体面的撤离没有任何现实意义。”

10.To put it more bluntly: the United States is in the beginning of a period of relative decpne.更加直截了当地说就是:美国正在开始进入相对衰退期。