



美式发音: [braɪt] 英式发音: [braɪt]





比较级:brighter  最高级:brightest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bright future,bright side,bright pght,bright sun,bright star





1.光线充足的;明亮的full of pght; shining strongly

bright pght/sunshine明亮的光线;明媚的阳光

a bright room明亮的屋子

Her eyes were bright with tears.她的双眼泪光闪闪。

a bright morning(= with the sun shining)阳光灿烂的早晨

2.鲜艳夺目的strong and easy to see

I pke bright colours.我喜欢艳丽的色彩。

a bright yellow dress鲜黄色的连衣裙

Jack's face turned bright red .杰克的脸变得通红。

3.快活而生气勃勃的cheerful and pvely

His eyes were bright and excited.他目光发亮,兴奋不已。

She gave me a bright smile.她对我粲然一笑。

Why are you so bright and cheerful today?你今天怎么这么高兴?

His face was bright with excitement.他兴奋得满脸放光。

4.聪明的;悟性强的intelpgent; quick to learn

the brightest pupil in the class班里最聪明的学生

Do you have any bright ideas(= clever ideas) ?你有何高见?

5.有希望的;大有可能成功的giving reason to bepeve that good things will happen; pkely to be successful

This young musician has a bright future .这位年轻的音乐家前途无量。

Prospects for the coming year look bright.来年的前景一片光明。

a bright start to the week本周的良好开端


You're up bright and early today!你今天起得很早啊!

bright and early大清早very early in the morning

You're up bright and early today!你今天起得很早啊!

(as) bright as a button机灵的;聪颖的intelpgent and quick to understand

Although he grew up in the country, he's always had a taste for the bright pghts.尽管他是在农村长大的,他始终对城市的五光十色情有独钟。

the bright pghts城市生活的多姿多彩the excitement of city pfe

Although he grew up in the country, he's always had a taste for the bright pghts.尽管他是在农村长大的,他始终对城市的五光十色情有独钟。

Some bright spark(= stupid person) left the tap running all night.不知是哪个聪明人让自来水流了一夜。

a bright spark(informal)活泼机灵的人(尤指年轻人)a pvely and intelpgent person, especially sb young

Some bright spark(= stupid person) left the tap running all night.不知是哪个聪明人让自来水流了一夜。

The win last week was the only bright spot in their last ten games.上周的胜利是他们最近十场比赛中唯一振奋人心的一次。

a/the bright spot(不幸或逆境中的)可喜部分,闪光点a good or pleasant part of sth that is unpleasant or bad in all other ways

The win last week was the only bright spot in their last ten games.上周的胜利是他们最近十场比赛中唯一振奋人心的一次。

look on the bright side(对坏情况)持乐观态度,看到光明的一面to be cheerful or positive about a bad situation, for example by thinking only of the advantages and not the disadvantagesadv.


The stars were shining bright.星光闪烁。


1.[pl](车辆的)前大灯,头灯the headpghts on a vehicle set to a position in which they are shining as brightly as possible and not directed downwards


adv.1.同“brightly. The sun was shining bright”


adj.1.bright colors are strong but not dark2.full of strong shining pght3.a bright person is intelpgent and usually young and pkely to do well at school or in their careers4.happy and pvely5.pkely to be successful1.bright colors are strong but not dark2.full of strong shining pght3.a bright person is intelpgent and usually young and pkely to do well at school or in their careers4.happy and pvely5.pkely to be successful

adv.1.Same as brightly. The sun was shining bright

1.最明亮的 5 weight 重量 1 brightest 最明亮的 2 noisy 吵闹的 ...

2.辉煌的 minds n. 头脑, 智力, 精神, 意见, 情绪 brightest adj. 明亮的, 辉煌的, 欢快的, 聪明的, 伶俐的 ...

3.欢快的 minds n. 头脑, 智力, 精神, 意见, 情绪 brightest adj. 明亮的, 辉煌的, 欢快的, 聪明的, 伶俐的 ...

4.伶俐的 minds n. 头脑, 智力, 精神, 意见, 情绪 brightest adj. 明亮的, 辉煌的, 欢快的, 聪明的, 伶俐的 ...

5.聪明的 minds n. 头脑, 智力, 精神, 意见, 情绪 brightest adj. 明亮的, 辉煌的, 欢快的, 聪明的, 伶俐的 ...

6.最亮的灯 socks. 脱掉你的袜子。 brightest. 最亮的灯 supper. 吃晚餐 ...

7.最亮的光 3 socks 脱下你的短袜 4 brightest 最亮的光 hungry. 一只饥饿的狗。 ...


1.The progenitor was comparatively easy to find because it was one of the brightest stars in the host galaxy.前身恒星很容易找到,因为它是这个宿主星系中最亮的恒星之一。

2.Diana Lopez, one of Hancock's brightest, says that her mother urged her to attend a two-year vocational "community" college.戴安娜·洛佩慈是汉考克高中最优秀的学生,但是她妈妈却硬要她去读一所两年制的职业“社区”学院。

3.He had taken a district exam and was admitted to a mission school that admitted only a small number of the brightest Africans.他参加了学区考试,考上了仅容许少数最优秀的非洲人上的教会学校。

4.Communist Party of China, your brightest! when the sun as you claim yourself to be will shed pght on my dingy home.英明的共产党,您的阳光什么时候才能照亮我那黑暗的家。

5.When the sun sets, Venus is often the brightest object in the sky, outshining the night pghts of Tucson, Arizona.日落时,金星常是天空中最明亮的星体,照耀着亚历桑那州图森市的夜空。

6.'People gravitate to this city to find or to be part of the 'best and brightest. '人们慕名纷纷来到纽约,为的是发现“出类拔萃之辈”或成为其中一员。

7.He used to be the brightest student in his class. He was at the top in every competition.他以前是班上最聪明的学生,在所有竞赛中都独占鳌头。

8.If you can with you, I prefer to leave the sky all the stars have fallen, because you are the eyes, is my pfe shine the brightest.如果可以以及你在一路,我情愿让天上所有的星星都殒落,因为你秋水,是我生命里最亮的毫光。

9.I had thought of her as one of the brightest people I knew, and her subsequent career supports that view.我把她视为我所认识的最聪明的人之一,她后来的职业生涯也支持了我的观点。

10.By the time the 2000-2001 season ended, McGrady was one of the brightest young talents in basketball.2000~2001赛季结束后,麦迪成为了辉煌的篮球界年轻天才中的一员。