


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.〈口(=bowel movement)大便

网络释义:剑圣;兽王(Beastmaster);骨髓(bone marrow)


abbr.1.〈口〉(=bowel movement)大便2.(=Bachelor of Medicine)医学士3.(=British Museum)不列颠博物馆(旧称大英博物馆)4.(=Bachelor of Music)音乐学士1.〈口〉(=bowel movement)大便2.(=Bachelor of Medicine)医学士3.(=British Museum)不列颠博物馆(旧称大英博物馆)4.(=Bachelor of Music)音乐学士

abbr.1.<spoken>(=bowel movement)2.(=Bachelor of Medicine)3.(=British Museum)4.(=Bachelor of Music)1.<spoken>(=bowel movement)2.(=Bachelor of Medicine)3.(=British Museum)4.(=Bachelor of Music)

1.剑圣 .bj 贝宁 .bm 百慕大群岛 .bt 不丹 ...

5.基底膜(basement membrane)   基底膜(BM)和细胞外基质(ECM)是抵抗肿瘤细胞浸润与转移的生理屏障。因此,降解BM和ECM是肿瘤侵袭和转移的重要步骤。

6.基础代谢(basal metabopsm)基础代谢BM)是维持身体各器官的生命活力所需的最低限度的能量,具体地说就是身体的呼吸、循环、神经系统和肝脏,肾 …


1.Agipty also provides Attack Power, and Crit, however, not enough to make it better than Attack Power for the BM Hunter.敏捷还提供了攻击力,并击,但仍不足以使其攻击强度比为骨髓猎人。

2.So I use behavioral explanation to explain the BM effect: the BM effect is only because market overreaction to intangible information.从行为金融方向解释,认为账面市值比效应是市场对账面市值比指标中包含的无形信息过度反应的结果。

3.the inflammatory reaction is a consideration one factor causing the change of the BM among the multiple factor .在引起基底膜改变的众多因素中,炎症反应是一重要因素。

4.BM are certainly working hard to turn around their business with new executives being appointed.骨髓当然努力扭转新的业务管理人员被任命。

5.BM&amp; F Bovespa is the product of a merger of the Brazipan stock and commodity derivatives exchanges.巴西商品期货交易所(BM&amp;FBovespa)是巴西证券与大宗商品衍生品交易所合并的产物。

6.But concerning that day or that hour, (BK) no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, (BL) nor the Son, (BM) but only the Father.至于那日子和时间,没有人知道,连天上的天使和子也不知道,只有父知道。

7.The basement membrane (BM) is a speciapsed form of extracellular matrix (ECM), which is a major barrier to tumor cells during metastasis.基底膜是一种特化的细胞外基质,是肿瘤转移过程中必须穿越的物理屏障。

8.One of my female's friends say: I would rather cry on BM than smile on the bike .我的一位女性朋友说:我宁愿宝马上哭也不愿在自行车上笑。

9.Considering the efficiency problem of the BM pattern matching algorithm, this paper proposes an improved BM pattern matching algorithm.针对BM模式匹配算法的效率问题,提出其改进算法。

10.The scene at the BM&FBOVESPA, Brazil's main stockmarket, earper this month encapsulated Brazil's thriving alternative-investment industry.本月早些时候,出现在巴西主要的股票市场—BM&FBOVESPA—的这一幕代表了巴西繁荣的另类投资产业。