


美式发音: [ˈbedˌrɪd(ə)n] 英式发音: ['bed.rɪd(ə)n]




adj.up and about

adj.laid up,incapacitated,disabled,out of action



1.长期卧床的having to stay in bed all the time because you are sick, injured or old


adj.1.unable to get out of bed because you are too weak or sick

1.卧床不起的 bedrid 卧床的 bedridden 卧床不起的 bedrizzle 用细滴润湿 ...

2.卧病不起的 fully adv. 充分地 bedridden adj. 卧病不起的 luxury n. 享受;满足;乐事;奢 …

3.长期卧床 seriously □ 狀 bedridden长期卧床 able to express □ need time to express □ need clues to □ 须用其他方式表达 ...

4.卧床人仕 伤残人仕 Disable 卧床人仕 Bedridden 照顾 Care of ...

5.卧病在床 ... 5. They are lying down with fever. 他们因发烧而卧病在床。 1. bedridden 卧病在床 4. bed of sickness 她卧病在床 ...


1.who always used to say she would wait till he got married and had a son, then come look after him, was now ill and bedridden.只有自己的乳母,从前常说等自己婚养了儿子来抱小孩子的,现在病得不能起床。

2.Have been hit Mr. Liu " downhearted" , depressing him to rest at home for a week, day be completely bedridden.遭此打击的刘先生“心灰意冷”,郁闷的他在家休养了一个星期,整天卧床不起。

3.Others are starting up new businesses or signing up to volunteer to help bedridden seniors and working mothers with young children.另一些人创建新的企业,或登记成为志愿者,帮助卧床不起的老人和带小孩的上班妈妈。

4.Her mother eventually became bedridden , causing Emily to care for her full time.她的母亲终日被病魔缠绕,这使得艾米丽不得不时刻照顾她。

5.About two months ago, Mrs. Zeng took in a stray cat, Amy, as a companion for her bedridden son.就在二个多月前,曾母收养了一只流浪猫阿咪,希望小猫能陪伴卧病在床的儿子。

6.Since the summer of 2002, Uribe has been bedridden, relying on his mother and friends to feed and clean him.从2002年夏天开始,乌里韦胖得只能卧床不起,他吃饭或洗澡只能靠母亲和朋友的帮助。

7.33 There he found a man named Aeneas, a paralytic who had been bedridden for eight years.33遇见一个人,名叫以尼雅,得了瘫痪,在褥子上躺卧八年。

8.Dad busy business trip, her mother bedridden due to illness.爸爸工作繁忙出差了,妈妈因病卧床不起。

9.His father was by now frail and bedridden and it fell to Edward and his sister Eunice to break the news to him the following morning.他父亲年老体衰,卧床不起。因此直到第二天早上,才由爱德华和他胞妹尤尼斯将约翰遇刺的消息告知他。

10.She'd been bedridden for more than a month, and just as Edward bent down to kiss her cheek, another coughing fit took her.她已经因病卧床不起超过一个月了,当爱德华弯下腰来吻她的面颊时,她又开始咳嗽起来。