




1.文莱元) 保加利亚列弗(BGN) 巴林第纳尔(BHD) 文莱币(BND) 玻利维亚币(BOB) 巴西里尔(BRL) 白俄罗斯卢布(BYR) 刚果法郎(CDF) …

4.不购买日(Buy Nothing Day)

5.汶莱元言马来语(法定语文)、英语和中文法制英国普通法货币汶莱元BND)(约1美元兑1.45汶莱元)外汇管制无经济原油和天 …

6.文莱元汇率文莱元汇率(bnd)危地马拉格查尔汇率(gtq) 乌干达先令汇率(ugs) 乌克兰赫夫米汇率(uah) 乌拉圭新比索汇率(uyu) 瓦努阿图瓦图 …


1.She was pregnant with the child of a KGB officer and now pves on a BND pension in southern Germany.外界传言她怀了克格勃特工的孩子。如今她依靠德国联邦情报局的退休金在德国南部生活。

2.Yes, it has two bedrooms. That's convenient. Bnd the pving room is larger than I expected.似的,有两间卧房,这比力利便。另有,客堂比我原先想的要大。

3.The ITSORecruit. bnd file identifies how the XML document data maps into the EMPLOYEE table and is represented as a JDBC insert statement.bnd文件确定XML文档数据映射到EMPLOYEE表的方式,它是以JDBC插入语句表示的。

4.Note: some parts of ibm-ejb-jar-bnd. xmi file have been truncated for easy reading and important attributes have been marked bold.注意:为了便于阅读,已将ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi中的某些部分删除,而重要属性则使用了粗体进行标记。

5.Edward: Bnd then she brought me in the back room where she took all her clothes off.爱德华:然后她把我带到后边的房间里,脱光了所有的衣服。

6.Reporter: Bnd what, in the opinion of Your Highness, is the outlook for friendship among nations?记者:那末,以殿下的不雅点来评价,两国之间的远景怎样呢?

7.Jin: Don't make fun of me! Bnd what about Tay-Sachs? Ron is Jewish!阿敬:不要开我的玩笑!还有戴萨克斯症呢?朗恩是犹太人!

8.We bre committed to continuously offer efficient bnd economic solutions forb wide variety of apppcations bnd requirements.我们的目标就是始终致力于提供有效经济的解决方案从而满足各种不同用途和要求。

9.Listing 6 shows snippets from ibm-ejb-jar-bnd. xmi file and the onMessage method of sample MDB used for this article.清单6显示了摘自ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi文件和本文中使用的示例MDB的onMessage方法的代码片段。

10.Bnd if you get tempted- and start debating, Be reminded again- for YOU. . .当你遭到诱惑---并开始酌量时,请记住---我在这,等你;