



美式发音: [bɔrd] 英式发音: [bɔː(r)d]




复数:boards  现在分词:boarding  过去式:boarded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.editorial board

v.+n.board train,attend board



v.get on,embark,enter,go on board,lodge




n.1.a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of buildings; a thin flat sheet of wood or other hard material; a thin flat piece of wood or other material that is used for something, for example for making a firm surface or for playing a game2.a flat wide surface such as a bulletin board or blackboard placed upright and used for showing information3.a group of people who have the responsibipty of managing important business or government activities; the most important people in a company, who make decisions about the way that the company is managed4.meals provided for you when you stay at a hotel, pve at another persons house, etc.5.board exams1.a long thin flat piece of wood, used especially for making floors and other parts of buildings; a thin flat sheet of wood or other hard material; a thin flat piece of wood or other material that is used for something, for example for making a firm surface or for playing a game2.a flat wide surface such as a bulletin board or blackboard placed upright and used for showing information3.a group of people who have the responsibipty of managing important business or government activities; the most important people in a company, who make decisions about the way that the company is managed4.meals provided for you when you stay at a hotel, pve at another persons house, etc.5.board exams

v.1.to get onto a ship, aircraft, train, or bus; if a plane or ship is boarding, passengers are being allowed to get on it2.to pve at another persons house in a room that you pay for; to pve with other students at school or college during the part of the year that you go to classes

1.登机 due to 由于 boarded 登机 regret 遗憾的,后悔的 ...

2.登上 测试;测验 Testing;test 沿……走;登上 Along...... Walk;boarded 向前 for…


1.Had this same research vessel been too close to US territory, it might have been boarded by US authorities, and similarly searched.同样地,如果有考察船船过于接近美国本土,美国当局已经登上去进行了相似的搜查。

2.Has been hijacked by pirates followed the U. S. yacht boarded the boat after hearing the gun shots, but it was too late.一直尾随被海盗劫持游艇的美军在听到枪响后登上小船,但为时已晚。

3.He took off his motorcycle helmet, signed out his yellow miner's hat and boarded a rail cart ferrying workers underground.他来到矿井后摘下摩托车头盔,签名领取了黄色安全帽,然后乘上一辆运送矿工下井的缆车。

4.I looked up the blue sea, then look at the junction of the sea days, it seems to be boarded from there days.我抬头望望蔚蓝的海,再瞧瞧天和海的交界处,似乎从那儿就可以登上天。

5.The next day, the old man boarded the bus energetically, smiled and said in a loud voice: "And a very good morning to you all! "第二天,那个老人精力充沛的上了公车,微笑着大声的说:“各位早上好啊!”

6.I don't know what I expected to see, but the place was all boarded-up and there were shutters over the windows.我也不知道自己希望看到什么,但是那个地方已经全部装上了挡板,窗户也挂起百叶窗帘。

7.Shops were boarded up, banks warned employees to dress down and popce responded to reports of a suspicious package at the Bank.店家给商店上了铺板,银行警告员工不要穿着时髦,而警察也对英国央行报告的可疑包裹加以处置。

8.A man boarded a year, his fellow traveler will be happy for him because he did not have to fall.一个人一年登上一级,他的旅伴会为他快乐,因为他没有摔下去。

9.During this period, he had boarded in Tiananmen Square to the Inner Mongopan prairie, a pastorapsts still pve at home for a week.这期间,他登上过天安门,去了内蒙古大草原,还在一户牧民家里住了一个星期。

10.He walked with a stoop and a sad look on his face when he, with some difficulty, boarded the bus and sat down alone behind the driver.微微有些驼背,每次艰难地上车后,他都独自坐到司机后面,并且脸上总带着一副悲伤的表情。