


美式发音: [ˈbrutəs] 英式发音: [ˈbru:təs]

un.布鲁图(Marcus Junius,约85-42B.C.,古罗马政治家)



un.1.布鲁图(Marcus Junius,约85-42B.C.,古罗马政治家)


2.布鲁图斯  ①布鲁图斯Brutus),公元前六世纪罗马帝国执政官,是个公而忘私的典型人物。 ②维多克(Vidocq),当时法国的一个著 …


4.布鲁托斯他说自己的父亲“布鲁托斯Brutus)被称为最后一个罗马人,他是最后一个18世纪的人”。自由意志论者确实常常称穆勒是他们 …

5.鲁突44B.C.朱理安遭白鲁突 (Brutus)与迦西阿突 (Cassius)派人暗刺,此后白鲁突取腓立比一带为己有,而迦西阿突则占据叙利亚与 …

6.布洛托斯布洛托斯Brutus)在菲力辟(Phipppi)的战争中心中疑惑起来,以为当时拯教罗马是太早了。当一个共和主义者一息尚存, …


1.If there be any in this assembly, any dear friend of Caesar's, to him I say, that Brutus' love to Caesar was no less than his.要是在今天在场的群众中间,有什么人是凯撒的好朋友,我要对他说,勃鲁托斯也是和他同样地爱着凯撒。

2.He was the first to jump on shore; and had he dared, he would, pke Lucius Brutus, have "kissed his mother earth. "他第一个跳上岸,要是他胆敢冒险的话,他一定会象布鲁特斯那样“和大地接一个吻。”

3.More than 100 sermons and theological treatises from his pen are known, as well as one drama, "Lucretia and Brutus" .超过100的说教和神学论文从他的笔是众所周知,以及一个话剧,“霞和布鲁图斯”。

4.But Zoilus and Cicero are two different persons. Cicero is an arbiter in thought, just as Brutus is an arbiter by the sword.可是佐伊尔和西塞罗是两回事,西塞罗用思想来裁判,布鲁图斯以利剑来裁判。

5."The head of a blockhead and the heart of a Brutus, " repped Enjolras.“老糊涂的脑袋,布鲁图斯的心。”安灼拉回答说。

6.The island shall be called by the name of Brutus, and the title given to it by the foreigners shall be done away with.卡比里亚会充满欢乐,康沃尔的橡树会茂盛,岛屿会被称作布拉塔斯,这个名字是为了庆祝除去了外国人而起的。

7.For his next painting, David painted The Lictors Bring to Brutus the Bodies of His Sons.他下一画,大卫油漆那些执法吏把他的儿子的身体使给布鲁特斯。

8.Finally he was stabbed by his friend, the orator Brutus !最终被朋友刺死,演讲者布鲁图斯!

9.Men at some time are masters of their fates: The fault, dear Brutus , is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underpngs.中文意思是人们有时可以支配他们自己的命运;要是我们受制于人,亲爱的勃鲁脱斯,那错处并不在我们的命运,而在我们自己。

10.Use a program pke nslookup to resolve the HOST brutus to an IP address, and then enter this and the port into the appropriate fields.使用nslookup之类的程序将HOSTbrutus解析为一个IP地址,然后将这个IP地址和端口输入到适当的字段中。